PRIMAL Nemesis (Book 2 in the Redemption Trilogy, A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 6) (The PRIMAL Series)

Free PRIMAL Nemesis (Book 2 in the Redemption Trilogy, A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 6) (The PRIMAL Series) by Jack Silkstone

Book: PRIMAL Nemesis (Book 2 in the Redemption Trilogy, A PRIMAL Action Thriller Book 6) (The PRIMAL Series) by Jack Silkstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Silkstone
another limp-wristed suit emboldened by a generous dose of overpriced alcohol. She glanced back at the VIP area where Wesley was drinking. She eyeballed the bouncer guarding the roped-off lounge and strode across to him leaving the would-be suitor in her wake.
    “Hello.” She smiled.
    “This is a private function.” The bouncer’s eyes dropped straight to her cleavage.
    “I know, I was wondering if I could join?” she asked seductively.
    A female hostess appeared at his elbow. “Sorry, doll. Invited guests only.”
    “Could you ask the gentleman if it would be OK for me to join them?”
    The hostess shrugged, strutted over to Wesley’s table, bent down, and said a few words. He glanced at Saneh. She smiled at him and waited for the hostess to return.
    “He said it's a lovely offer but he only likes blondes. Sorry, babe.”
    Saneh quickly retreated to the bar where the suit was still watching her. “So, do you want to buy me a drink?”
    The man smiled. “OK.”
    She couldn't leave straight away so she may as well enjoy the attention. Then she would call Mirza and get him to pick her up outside. They would have to develop a new plan to target ‘Mr. I only like blonde porn stars’.

    Chapter 6
    The hotel Ivan had chosen was low key and reasonable value. It suited the identity he had selected for this operation. According to his travel documents he was Igor Kozar, a project manager for a Russian company scoping investments in Venezuelan oil projects. It was a cover he had used once before and one that was layered deep enough that even the most comprehensive security check would be unlikely to find holes in it.
    He ran his fingers through his salt and pepper hair and checked his suit in the mirrored walls of the hotel elevator. Studying his face, he noticed a number of new wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. This business was all about details and he saw everything. It was why he was so good at what he did. Nothing was ever left to chance. This mission would be no different.
    He had read the PRIMAL mission pack on the Alitalia flight from Rome. The intelligence was patchy at best. All they knew was MVI likely had an interest in resource exploitation, and there were indications that GES could be involved with anti-government groups. Chua had given him two tasks; one, establish anti-government contacts and two, locate a local safe house. The second was easy. He’d already arranged a number of inspections with a realtor. The first task of finding local contacts would be more difficult. However, like everything it was covered by a plan.
    A chime announced that the elevator had reached the ground floor and Ivan strode out through the lobby. The hotel had arranged a car and a driver, and he had a number of meetings organized with mid-level officials in PDVSA, the state-owned oil and gas company. He doubted any of them would offer insight into MVI's undertakings. However, they would add legitimacy and depth to his cover.
    His driver was an elderly gentleman who smelled of cigarettes. Ivan lowered the window as he entered the car. He preferred the humidity to the stench of tobacco.
    “Where do you want to go?” the driver asked in Spanish.
    Ivan gave him the address. He was fluent in five languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, and German, and able to deliver them all with a convincing accent.
    It took ten minutes to navigate the inner-city traffic a half-mile to the destination. It was not the offices of an oil and gas company. That would come later. His priority today was to establish contact with those opposed to the government.
    The driver waited at the curb as Ivan walked into a building and took the elevator to the second floor. He crossed the street using a sky bridge to another building. Then he walked down an escalator and strolled another hundred yards along the street. Entering a shopping mall, he chose a magazine from a stand and examined the cover before doubling

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