The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four)

Free The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four) by R.E. Butler

Book: The Omega's Heart (Wilde Creek Four) by R.E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.E. Butler
Tags: Wolf, Shifter, mating, Pack, Mate, wilde creek
not worthy of you. I
swear I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and keep you
safe. If we’re mated, your father can’t take you away — it’s
against the laws.”
    She wiggled under him, and the rough seam of
denim made her skin ache. “I don’t want you to think I’m using you
to avoid going home.”
    He moved, slipping into the cradle of her
hips until the fly of his jeans pressed against her pussy. She
moaned when he flexed his hips. He did it again. And again. Her
stomach tightened, and her nails dug into his back as she gripped
    “You’re going to make me come,” she said
    He stopped flexing his hips and stared down
at her. “You’re not using me. You can’t stop your body’s reaction
to finding your mate.”
    “You tried to push me away before,” she
pointed out, wrapping her legs around his waist.
    “I didn’t want you to think I’d kept anything
from you. My non status is enough to make anyone walk away.
I wouldn’t have blamed you if you did.”
    “I don’t want to walk away, but I don’t want
you to get hurt, either.”
    His brow furrowed as he traced his fingertip
down the side of her face. The gentle touch made goosebumps appear
on her skin. “I don’t know if every wolf who finds their mate feels
like this, but the thought of you leaving me is making my wolf go
nuts. Whatever happens tonight, we’re mates, and that means we
can’t be separated. I don’t care what your father or Acksel thinks;
that’s a basic mating law.”
    Warmth spread through her. Silently, she
congratulated her wolf on finding such an honorable mate.
    “I should call the alphas’ house and tell
them that you’re here with me, but I don’t want to do anything but
be right here with you.”
    Her heart fluttered at his declaration. She
stroked her hands down his back to the waistband of his jeans,
pushing on them a little. He grinned down at her.
    “Want something, she-wolf?”
    “You. Naked.”
    He slipped away from her, standing between
her legs. His fingers rested on the button of his jeans for a
moment as he looked down at her. Then he unfastened the button and
slid the zipper down before shoving them down his legs. He
straightened slowly, his body tensing as she took in every
mouth-watering inch of him. He had a gorgeous body, and she was
tempted once more to rub herself all over him.
    The hesitation she’d seen before, probably
born from years of other wolves telling him he wasn’t worth
anything, was gone, and she was glad. She didn’t know what it was
like to be a non-shifting wolf, but she didn’t mind that he
couldn’t shift. He was hers and she was his. Nothing had ever felt
so right.
    His fingers rubbed her ankles, his touch firm
and warm. He pushed gently and she bent her knees; then he spread
her legs apart, baring her body for him. He climbed onto the bed
slowly, his fingers tracing small patterns up her calves, around
her knees, and over her thighs, until her whole body trembled.
Brushing the back of his knuckles over the top of her pussy, he
caressed her bare sex with the gentlest of touches.
    She whimpered and he chuckled, bending as he
wedged his broad shoulders between her legs and touched his tongue
to her clit. He stroked his tongue around her clit and looked up
the length of her body, meeting her gaze. She wanted to say
something profound or sexy right then, but she couldn’t think past
how turned on she was and how right it felt to be with him, skin to
    He lowered his gaze back to the apex of her
thighs. His hands slid under her, cupping her ass and lifting her
off the bed. Her knees went over his shoulders as he buried his
face in her pussy with a soft groan; his tongue pushed inside her
and he growled. The vibrations felt so good that her legs clenched
his head and her hands fisted the blanket under her.
    He rumbled again, delving his tongue into her
depths. Then he licked the length of her pussy, swirling his tongue
around her clit, before

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