The Tycoon's Misunderstood Bride

Free The Tycoon's Misunderstood Bride by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Tycoon's Misunderstood Bride by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
was saying as he opened a door.  “You have complete privacy, Mr. Montenegro.  There are specimen cups here,” he said, laying his hand on a metal tray, “and materials if you need any assistance,” he explained, waving to an array of magazines and videos.  “You can deposit your specimens here,” and laid his hand on a window, “and there’s a nurse waiting on the other side to collect it.  Your wife will be inseminated as soon as we have your half.  Any questions?”
    Jason looked around, his mind about to explode as he realized that Emma hadn’t booked a ritzy hotel room where she could romantically be impregnated .  She’d gone to a fertility clinic!  And here he was, being told to…. deposit his specimens ! ”
    Jason swept past the good doctor and stormed out of the room.  With a swift arm, he grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her out of the chair where she’d been waiting and dragged her down the hallway. 
    “Jason!  What’s going on?  Have you finished already?”
    Jason stopped and looked down at his new wife’s clearly confused features, astounded that she didn’t seem to be laughing at him at all.  And she thought it took only those few seconds that he’d been in the room to…provide his sample?  Was she for real?
    With a growl, he stepped so close she actually had to lean backwards.  “Emma, when we make a baby, we’re damned well not going to do it in a clinic where others are going to fertilize the eggs for us.  We’re going to do it in a bed, with me and you and no one watching or waiting.  It’s going to take a long time and you’re going to enjoy every damn moment of it.  And so will I because I’m going to take my time and make sure I know every part of your body before I make this child with you. And only when you’re screaming out my name with your orgasm, will I then ‘deposit my specimen ’,” he said with outrage and sarcasm. 
    Emma was leaning back, her hand reaching behind her to keep from falling onto the floor and her mouth forming an O of surprise while her eyes stared back at him with stunned shock. 
    A few moments later, a resounding sound of applause filled the silence and Jason looked up.  He couldn’t believe it, but he was currently surrounded by about ten women in various stages of pregnancy not to mention several who didn’t appear to be pregnant at all but some had tears streaming down their cheeks.  Nurses, doctors, even some men who didn’t appear to work here and must be the fathers or husband, all were applauding and cheering his outburst. 
    Jason b linked at what a spectacle he’d made of himself.  With a curse, he grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her out of the reception area and back into the bright, morning sunshine.  He didn’t stop until he was in his limousin e and he jerked the door closed, ordering Tony to move!
    “What are you doing?” Emma demanded, her mind whirling at the outburst in the reception area and the diminishing view of the clinic.  In her mind, access to her mother’s diary was also fading away.  “We have to get pregnant, Jason!  That’s the only way we can find our parents!”
    “We’re damn well not getting pregnant in a clinic, Emma!” he growled back.  “To my place, Tony!”
    He turned to Emma who looked like she was going to argue and he raised his hand, demanding her silence.  “Don’t you dare argue with me about this, Emma!”
    She sat there in the corner of the limousine, huddled in the corner with her arms closed across her as she tried to tamp down her panic.  If they weren’t doing this in a clinic, that could only mean he wanted to do this the old fashioned way.  And she couldn’t do it.  There wasn’t any way she could have sex with a stranger!  Even if that stranger was her husband and he was incredibly handsome. 
    When the limousine pulled up in front of a lovely stone house surrounded by trees and flowering bushes,

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