Bound by Blood

Free Bound by Blood by Cynthia Eden

Book: Bound by Blood by Cynthia Eden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Eden
to kill you.” His claws fell away. “The vamp will burn by dawn.”
    Jace lifted her up, moved too fast—damn him—and put her in the cell. Then he swung the door shut and locked her inside.
    She grabbed the bars. “You can’t leave us like this.”
    His brows rose. “Watch me.” He paused, staring down at Mike’s lifeless form. “Take care of him,” he ordered two of his men, and they immediately bent to pick up the body. Then Jace followed the bloody trail of footprints.
    “ Jace! Dammit, I wasn’t going to betray you.”
    He didn’t stop, but she caught his growled, “I know.”
    What? “Then why are you doing this? Why?”
    One-by-one, the wolves exited the containment area. Jace was the last to leave. His broad shoulders scraped the arching sides of the doorway. “I’ll be back, Morgan.”
    Her breath heaved in her chest.
    “We’re not ending.” He spared her a glittering stare. “I’m not risking you, and I’m damn sure not taking the chance that the fire will get to you.”
    But he was gone, and Morgan was trapped with an angry cell of vampires. Her knuckles whitened around the bars. Alpha asshole. He thought he could go out and take all the risks? While she what—stayed there and worried about him?
    She wasn’t the kind of girl who stayed behind. Mostly because she wasn’t a girl.
    “I knew he wouldn’t hurt you.” Paul’s cocky voice.
    She’d known it, too. His claws had trembled and never so much as nicked her flesh.
    “We really going to let those wolves get all the glory?” He continued. “Because I’ve been wanting to give Devon a beating since I turned.”
    She pulled at the bars. Yes, they’d been reinforced, and normally, she’d never be able to break them.
    High on wolf blood.
    The bars began to bend.
    “Don’t worry,” she told Paul and the others. “Jace isn’t getting away from me.” And he sure wasn’t going into hell without her being there to pull her wolf right back out of the fire.

Chapter Seven
    Jace and his pack chased Devon into the center of the Glades. The vamp had escaped by car, but instead of going back into the city, the guy had headed down the long, winding roads that led deeper into the growing darkness.
    When the road ended, they found his car. Lights on. Doors open. Jace stared out at the night. The insects had stopped chirping when the wolves approached. They knew when danger stalked.
    He inhaled, catching all the scents. Those that belonged, those that didn’t. Blood. Brimstone.
    “Your vamp’s gonna be real pissed at you once she gets out of that cage,” Louis warned him.
    Tell me something I don’t know. But better her alive and pissed than dead and burned to ash.
    He caught the whisper of sound in the air. His head tilted back as he stared at the rising moon. He could see the shapes before the blood moon. So many. Too many.
    Outnumbered. The demons were coming.
    “ Shift!” They’d have to change quickly. “Take their heads—take out as many of them as you can.”
    Then he leapt forward. The demons were coming because they were close to the doorway. Fuck that. Jace was slamming that door. Devon had run right back to this hole, and now Jace would kill him and stop the demons.
    He shoved through the brush as the howls behind him filled the night.
    Morgan had seen the doorway, the great gaping hole in the middle of the blackened earth. Devon had opened the door to hell—opened it on vampire land, and she hadn’t even realized it.
    The vamps spread out when they arrived at the battle. The snarls and growls of the wolves blended with the vicious cries of the demons. Blood bathed the ground.
    “Don’t get any of their blood in you,” she warned, still tasting ash. “And make sure you cover the wolves.”
    Because the dead were already on the ground, and she didn’t want to lose anyone else. Demons flew from the air at her. “Go!” She shouted to the vampires. She lifted her gun.

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