Kaleidoscope: A Regency Novella

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Book: Kaleidoscope: A Regency Novella by Hannah Meredith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Meredith
wanted her to see that her concerns for him were of no account. He knew he wasn’t much of a marital prize, but he would spend the rest of his life trying to make her happy. “We could have a good life, a full life. One filled with joy.”
    The tears that had been shining in her luminous eyes finally overflowed into twin trails down her cheeks. Something in him snapped, and he stepped forward, gathering her into his arms. At first she felt wooden. Then she slumped against him, her head resting on his chest just above his heart. He wanted to sooth her tears. He needed her in his arms always. Couldn’t she feel that this is where she belonged? “I love you, Caro. Say you’ll marry me.”
    She pushed back slightly until she could look up into his face. “And I love you, Luke. So, by definition, we are already lovers. I want you to make this a physical fact. I’m a twenty-nine-year-old widow and no one has ever made love to me. I want that person to be you—now, tonight. Don’t ask me to make decisions about the future…just love me.”
    She loved him! She was warm and pliant in his arms. He was not made of stone. He lowered his mouth to hers. This was not the chaste, goodnight kiss they had previously shared. Her hands drifted up over his shoulders to grasp the nape of his neck. With the slightest touch of his tongue on her lower lip, she relaxed her mouth, allowing his tongue to enter.
    He could feel her initial surprise, reminding him of her lack of experience. He should proceed more slowly to avoid frightening her. Caro’s whispered “just love me” called to him to make this experience one of exquisite delight.
    He felt as if this time would be his first time. He was practiced at pleasuring women, but he’d never before truly made love. He found himself unsure for the first time since he was a boy. This would be a new experience for them both. He needed to remember to treat Caro with care.
    But when she moaned low in her throat and responded to his deep kisses with untutored enthusiasm, he couldn’t stop his hands from roaming over her body. His fingers slid across the satin of her robe, down her sides until they traced the lovely swell of her buttocks. He fought the urge to grip the tempting mounds and pull her tightly against his straining arousal. Instead, he moved his hands upwards until they cupped her unfettered breasts.
    She arched her back, offering more access. He ran a line of feathery kisses along her jaw and the side of her neck as his hands stroked downward, seeking the tie to her wrapper. He wanted to strip both it and her maidenly nightgown from her lush body.
    He stopped when he encountered the knot. No, this shouldn’t happen here in the middle of the brightly lit drawing room. “Can we blow out all these bloody candles and go up to your room?” he asked, knowing if she were to reject him, this would be the time.
    “Yes.” The word was a sigh, a promise. Then she slipped from his arms and began circling the room, extinguishing the flames. Luke joined the task until only one candle burned on a table near the door.
    Caro crossed the room and picked up the remaining light. She held out her hand. “Will you come with me upstairs?”
    He slipped his fingers into hers. “Wherever you lead, I’ll follow.”
    She gave a soft chuckle and pulled him toward the foyer.
    Caro brazenly led her lover—or soon to be lover—up the stairs. She felt wanton, free. She could not, would not, feel ashamed of desiring this exceptional man. She felt she had always existed on the fringes of life and was now about to discover the center. She had been a long time coming to this place and time, but now that she was here, she would take full advantage of the opportunity.
    Her confidence and buoyant spirit lasted until they reached her bedroom and the door had clicked shut behind them. Then nervousness and uncertainty assailed her. If rumor was to be believed, Luke’s lovers were legion. What if he found

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