Tall, Dark and Wolfish

Free Tall, Dark and Wolfish by Lydia Dare

Book: Tall, Dark and Wolfish by Lydia Dare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Dare
    "I can guess. Men like ye only get so squeamish about one thing." She laughed, a melodic little tune. "It's nothin' ta be ashamed of. Happens more than
    ye ken."
    Men like him? Ben could only assume his mouth had fal en open in surprise, as he stared at her, completely dumbfounded. How many other Lycan men
    had lost the ability to change?
    "I have just the thing for it." She nodded at him enthusiastical y.
    Ben scratched his head.
    "But I have ta ken, does it work for ye?" Her face colored. "When ye're alone?"
    "I was alone and it didn't work," he admitted. Perhaps she did know what she was talking about.
    "Does it work when ye're with a lass?" She pointed to his thighs. What did his lap have to do with anything?
    "I've never done it with a lass," he admitted. Simon had always beaten into him how dangerous it was to be with a woman when the moon was ful .
    Pushing his luck was what had gotten him into this situation.
    "At yer age?" Her hand fluttered to land on her chest. "That is surprisin'," she muttered.
    "Why is it so surprising?" Now he was thoroughly confused.
    "Forgive me for bein' so bold, but it's no' very often ye meet a man yer age who has never been with a lass." Again her gaze wandered down to his
    Never been with a woman! She thought he was talking about that ? Ben buried his face in his hands and chuckled. He laughed so hard his shoulders
    "There, there, Ben. No need to cry over it. We'l get ye al fixed." Her hand touched his back, rubbing a light circle.
    Ben final y raised his head and wiped the tears of mirth from his eyes.
    She put her hands on her hips. "Were ye laughin' at me?" Indignation sparkled in her eyes.
    "No, Elspeth." He held up both hands in surrender. "I promise," he chuckled. "I'm not laughing at you."
    "Then what is so blasted funny?"
    There was only one option. He'd have to show her.
    Ben hauled her to him with one hand as he pushed the hair back from her face with his other.
    Elspeth couldn't even sputter in surprise as he clutched her to him. He moved much too fast. One moment she was standing several feet from him, and the
    next she was pressed along against his body.
    "Ye don't have ta put on a grand show just ta prove ta me ye're a man," she scolded him.
    Another chuckle rumbled through him. She raised her hands to his chest to push away from him, but she was wel and truly caught within his arms. His
    chest flexed beneath her fingers. She tested the hard wal with her fingertips.
    "I am a man," he said quietly. Then his lips touched hers.
    The first taste of him was heavenly. His lips pressed softly against hers, no more than a whisper against her skin. Elspeth had been kissed before. Once
    by a clumsy stable boy at a church picnic and once by Alec MacQuarrie, who had quickly decided that Caitrin was more to his liking. It hadn't bothered
    her, though, as kissing him could be compared to kissing her brother, if she'd had one.
    But kissing Ben was nothing like that. Ben's lips slid across hers. His hand lifted to brush the hair back at her temple. She sighed against him, and he
    took the opportunity to touch her lips with his tongue. She gasped and then he took ful advantage of her mouth.
    His tongue slid against hers, and she had no choice but to reach and meet him with her own. They played a game of catch and retreat, neither losing.
    This was a winning game for both of them.
    Elspeth's heart beat so hard she feared it would clamor so loudly he could hear it. His hand wrapped tighter around her waist, drawing her even closer.
    The length of him pressed against her bel y.
    She broke their kiss. "Ye have been with a lass, I'd wager." Breaths heaved from her in gasps.
    "What makes you think that?" he chuckled.
    "Ye doona kiss like ye have problems with things workin'." She glanced down his body.
    He tugged her closer to him, if that was possible, and growled closer to her ear. "You make things work just fine." His lips pressed against the sensitive
    skin beneath her

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