in your heart and imagine sending it her way. She will receive it.”
Activate the Courage Within
Fear is a disconnection from your most powerful self, your spirit.
When you are cut off from your inner power, life becomes a series
of external events that you have no control over. You are tossed here From Fear to Courage ~ 55
and there in the winds of change and you become a victim to out-
side influences and forces that seem to come and go at whim. We
do not know what is coming our way and when. This provokes fear
in every area of our lives. We might lose our jobs, a relationship
may end and we may become ill or be involved in an accident.
Fear motivates many people to seek out the service of a psy-
chic. The belief that tapping into the unseen yields information
and guidance of what is to come and how it will affect one’s life is widespread. We look to the wise counsel of the heavens to better
negotiate the ups and downs and practicalities of life on earth. I
have found the spirit realm to be surprisingly helpful in providing guidance to those who confront earthly issues of financial stress,
career decisions, relationship concerns and illness. Despite the sublime and transcendent nature of the heavens, our concerns on earth
are heard and addressed. Although knowing and predicting the fu-
ture is what most people expect from a psychic, another truth also
becomes apparent. Psychic awareness is not just about predicting
outcomes and knowing the future. It is also the awareness that we
have the innate power to influence outer conditions. Most people
want me to tell them the conditions and opportunities that I see
coming their way. I give them my most accurate predictions, but
I also remind them that they have free will. Once we are aware of
what we are creating in our future, we can also choose differently
and affect future outcomes.
Fear Creates an Energy Wall
Not too long ago on the recommendation of another psychic, a
woman came to me for a reading. As I tapped into her energy I felt
like I literally hit a brick wall. Despite her desire to consult a psychic, her fear and defensiveness made it almost impossible for me
to give her an accurate reading. Luckily, her very helpful and psy-
chic cat suddenly appeared in my mind’s eye. Had it not been for
this cat psychically providing me accurate insight and information, 56 ~ From Fear to Courage
I may not have been able to do the reading. After the session I asked her why the other psychic had recommended me to her.
“She couldn’t read me.” My client told me. “She told me that I
was harder to read than anyone that she had ever worked with.”
“I completely understand. “I told her. “I had a difficult time also.
I felt a fair amount of fear when I began the reading. Are you sure you wanted one.”
With an innocent look on her face, she told me. “Well, yes I
guess I did. But, to be honest I was afraid of what you might tell
me. I didn’t want to know if I was going to get ill or be told that something bad is going to happen.”
Fear acts in this way in our lives. Like a dense wall surrounding
us, it is a visceral inner resistance that we erect to try and guard and protect ourselves from what may or may not come our way. Yet this
never works. Instead of protecting us, it keeps us from accessing the inner power of our spirit.
Where there is fear, the awareness of the power of your spirit
is repressed and hidden. The cure for fear is to activate your inner power. Instead of looking for outside solutions or becoming numb
with stress, go within and listen. Summon and awaken the quiet
power of your spirit. Breathe into your body, open your heart, feel the power in your solar plexus. If you feel led to take action, activate the courage buried within and go forward with integrity and
positivity. You only truly know the power of your spirit when you
allow it to lead you. Take a risk and confront your fears. When you do they