Beyond the Nightmare Gate

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Book: Beyond the Nightmare Gate by Joe Dever, Ian Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever, Ian Page
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Magnamund, Grey Star the Wizard
the fire. You prepare to throw another WILLPOWER point into the spell but stop suddenly as the villagers give a great gasp. A cold evil throbs at your back.
    You spin round to face the Jahksa. ‘Why do you waste your energies so?’ the Jahksa enquires. ‘On these simpletons and peasants.’
    ‘And why have you shown yourself?’ you ask. ‘These people now know that I did not burn their village. Surely you hoped that they would cast me out without telling me where the Gate to the next realm can be found?’
    ‘Your unimpressive display of weather-working has sufficed,’ he snorts, derisively. ‘You have saved the people and all live happily ever after,’ he sneers, sarcastically. ‘But other dangers await
.’ So saying, the Jahksa disappears.
    Turn to 330 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The greyish mist in the Ethetron's glass dome is slowly seeping through the crack in the glass. The creatures of the mist writhe and gyre in their hunger and you struggle desperately with the controls as the ship sinks lower and lower, becoming an easier target for the hideous beasts. You swerve amongst them like a tiny insect flying through a forest of swaying trees. Add together your COMBAT SKILL and WILLPOWER points.
    If the total is 16 or more, turn to 84 .
    If the total is less than 16, turn to 129 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You exert the power of your mind upon the lock. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you turn the tumbler of the lock mechanism. The door swings open to reveal a narrow flight of stairs, leading downwards.
    If you wish to step forward, turn to 125 .
    If you wish to go back to the large stairway, turn to 239 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    As the snarling beast lunges, you thrust upwards with your Staff, dealing the wolf a powerful blow to the body. With a howl, the wolf is knocked aside and you close upon it to attack as it prepares to pounce once more.
    Wounded Wolf: COMBAT SKILL  20    ENDURANCE  20
    If you win the combat, turn to 106 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    ‘Get out of my mind!’ she screams, desperation and pain in her voice. Quickly you extinguish the glow of the Gem for fear of damaging her mind. Outside, you hear a voice that sends an icy chill coursing through your body.
    ‘How sad. Tragic. Such a waste of energy on a girl who despises you.’ You rush out of the room to see a hooded figure dressed in black. Slowly the hood is pulled away to reveal your own face looking back at you. ‘Greetings brother,’ sneers a voice identical to your own. ‘We meet at last.’

    Turn to 291 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Your lungs feel ready to burst and, with a spluttering gasp, you surface and gulp in huge breaths of air. Unfortunately, you are spotted by an Elessi who is searching the area. You are forced to surrender and a clutch of Elessin guards march you away to a huge palace in the centre of the city.
    Turn to 191 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The wall is, once more, totally unharmed by your attack. A further search reveals nothing. You cannot find, or feel, anything that indicates the presence of a doorway. ‘Perhaps there is no door?’ Tanith suggests.
    If you wish to try to climb the tower, turn to 264 .
    If you prefer to examine one of the many black holes in the cloud plain, turn to 285 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    To the delighted cheers of the Elessin, the statue of the Screaming God is carried from the palace and away from the Singing City. 18 It is taken to the grove of trees where your flying machine is hidden and loaded aboard. Many thanks, Grey Star, says the Guardian. Today you give us our freedom. Is there some way we can repay you?
    ‘I seek the Moonstone of the Shianti,’ you say. ‘Long ago they hid it somewhere on the plane of the Daziarn, our name

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