Beyond the Nightmare Gate

Free Beyond the Nightmare Gate by Joe Dever, Ian Page

Book: Beyond the Nightmare Gate by Joe Dever, Ian Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever, Ian Page
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Magnamund, Grey Star the Wizard
staves make impact. The Jahksa is beginning to weaken and a powerful blow sends him reeling back along the roof.
    Turn to 343 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You pick up the road out of sight of the poor survivors and follow it to the next village. This village is also ablaze. No one attempts to put out the fire; instead, everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of a house. It is a familiar and disturbing sight: Jahksa. Even now he is hurling bolts of magical flame into the thatched and wooden roofs of the village houses.
    Illustration XIII —Everyone stares at a figure dancing maniacally on the roof of the house.
    If you wish to attack the Jahksa at long range, turn to 154 .
    If you have the Magical Power of Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 169 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Awareness suddenly glimmers in Tanith's face. Slowly she comes to her senses as if awakening from a deep sleep. ‘Grey Star,’ she says, quietly. ‘Is it really you?’
    ‘Yes, it's really me,’ you reply, with a warm smile.
    ‘I thought … ’ she says with a dry sob. ‘It was in my mind … the Black Wizard, he had your face. He took me from the Crystal Tower and brought me here. By the time I realized it wasn't you, the Chaos-master had asked me what gift I desired. I asked for you, Grey Star, and the Chaos-master told me that the Black Wizard was you. Then my mind was full of fear and loathing. I — ’
    ‘You don't have to explain. It's all right. I understand.’
    Outside, a strange, yet familiar voice sends a chill down your spine. ‘How touching; how noble. Such understanding,’ it sneers. You rush outside to see a hooded figure dressed all in black. Slowly, deliberately, the hood is pulled aside to reveal your own face staring back at you. ‘Greetings, brother,’ says your voice. ‘We meet at last.’

    Turn to 291 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You pull the lever back as far as it will go in an attempt to bring the craft out of its dive but now you lack power and the machine continues to gain downward momentum. You are too close to the ground to save yourself and the Ethetron crashes, killing you instantly.
    Your quest and your adventure end here.

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    A violent gust tears into the craft and, with a resounding crack , the mast snaps. The Ethetron flips out of control and falls at a startling speed. There is no time to save yourself before the Ethetron explodes into the ground. There are no survivors.
    Your life is over; your quest ends here.

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The Crystal Tower looms larger as you draw nearer; its buttresses, balustrades, and cornices jutting at impossible angles. Some of the tower's ornamentation seems to disappear completely when looked at from certain directions, as if parts of the tower do not belong to this dimension at all. You also notice that, with growing frequency, the cloud plain is perforated with black holes of varying sizes.
    If you wish to investigate one of these holes, turn to 257 .
    If you prefer to press on without any delay, turn to 302 .

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The craft spins, spiralling downwards at great speed. You pull and push on the lever and the foot bar but the machine's crazy descent soon throws you from the craft into mid-air. There is no time for defensive action as you hurtle to the ground, smashing into it seconds after the Ethetron.
    Your life and your quest end here.

Beyond the Nightmare Gate
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You close your eyes and begin to chant. The Vale villagers flinch visibly, convinced that you mean to hurt them. You carry on regardless. At the cost of 1 WILLPOWER point you cause it to rain. The fire is raging quite heavily and you are doubtful that the shower you have raised is of sufficient intensity to quench

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