Inevitable (Key West #2)

Free Inevitable (Key West #2) by C. A. Harms

Book: Inevitable (Key West #2) by C. A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Harms
wanted to spend time with me. Before I knew it I was dozing off wrapped in his arms, and I can’t remember ever sleeping so peacefully.
    “Let me get this straight.” Avery took a seat on the opposite side of the table. I had started a pot of coffee and was waiting impatiently for it to perk. “You spent the night in bed, next to a man that I swear fell straight out of a GQ magazine. You both managed to keep all your clothes on and you just fell asleep.”
    I laughed at her expression, and she looked at me in amazement.
    “Yes,” I replied.
    “Wow.” She rubbed her head, still looking perplexed and amazed. “Your ability to control yourself and not attack is inspiring.”
    That was when her smile broke out, and I grabbed the placemat and swung it, making contact with her head. “Smartass.”
    “Really, though, in all seriousness, that’s pretty special.”
    She was right, it was.
    “ GQ , huh?” Easton said as he stood in the doorway with his arms crossed over his bare chest and a cocky smile spread across his face.
    All Avery could do was hide her face in embarrassment. I myself chose to enjoy the view.

    Chapter Sixteen
    I stayed in Miami a few more days, wanting to get everything that would hold me here finished. I had talked to Harper every day since she left. Each day I felt like she allowed me in just a little more, giving me the chance to get to know the real her.
    So I wasn’t surprise to find that the first place I thought of when arriving back in Palm Beach was Allure. I knew I would find Harper there, and she was the only person I wanted to see. Just the thought of her smile made my heart race.
    I grinned as I entered the salon, holding a single red rose. Almost immediately I had four women eyeing me hungrily and two others working their way to my sides.
    “Well hello, handsome,” a short brunette cooed. “What can we offer you today?”
    I was still scanning the room, looking for the blonde that held all my attention. Once I located her near the station in the back corner, I found that she was grinning brightly, obviously enjoying the attention her stylists were giving me.
    “I’ve actually found what I’m looking for,” I told the brunette as I excused myself and walked across the lobby toward Harper. “Hey, gorgeous,” I said as I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “This is for you.”
    I lifted the rose up from my side, and her face brightened the moment she took it from me. She brought it to her nose and breathed in its sweet scent. “Thank you.”
    If giving her a rose lit her face up the way it was at that moment, hell, I would have one delivered every day. Out of all the years I’ve known Harper, I’ve rarely seen her smile this brightly. She’s always hidden behind her sarcasm and attitude. Everyone had grown used to it, accepting that was just the way she was. But the girl behind that mask was breathtaking.
    “You are more than welcome.” Stepping a little closer, I took her hand in mine. “I was hoping I could spend some time with you tonight. Maybe go to dinner, or anything you want as long as we’re together.”
    “I think I’m free.” She looked up over my shoulder and smiled. “If you survive the day. You may get mauled walking out of here. You have about four women checking out your ass right now, and I’m pretty sure they’re planning some form of attack.”
    Sure enough, I turned to find the same brunette that greeted me and three other women appreciatively scanning my assets.
    “Any tips you can offer me on getting out of here, unscathed, would be greatly appreciated,” I said as I turned back to find her laughing behind her hand.
    “I’ve got nothing, sorry. In fact, I’m just gonna sit back and watch.” She stepped back and sat down in the stylist chair behind her and held her rose to her face, attempting to hide her smile.
    “Evil,” I said, shaking my head.
    I spun around and took two steps

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