Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

Free Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins by Audra Allensworth

Book: Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins by Audra Allensworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Allensworth
Tags: Zombies
got the last of the supplies. She made one last trip; Beth hit the garage door button and ran underneath it as it lowered. She was sure no one would disturb her families resting place.
    The ‘subjects’ were now about twenty feet to her car and picking up speed. She slammed trunk and darted to the driver’s door. When she was inside one of the ‘subject s’ began pounding on the window, Beth quickly hit the door locks. Before she even knew she was doing it, the car roared to life and she sped off. Beth didn’t even remember putting the key into the ignition.
    Pulling herself together she looked into the rear view mirror and she saw more and more of them walking around aimlessly. Then she refocused her attention to straight ahead and there seemed to be a lot more here, then there were by her home. One by one she drove by them fast as if they were standing still but in fact they were moving right towards her , reaching out to grab the car as it passed .
    The only thing that Beth knew was that for the time being she was on the road, car was full of gas, supplies were in the trunk and her Beretta was at her side. Once she got throug h Paducah she headed north on I- 24. Several explosions could be seen off in the distance both in front of her and in her rear view mirror. There was quite a bit of traffic that was heading out of the city , mostly stalled, abandoned or wrecked vehicles, but not much at all going in. Beth decided that before she got too much farther that she would have to stop off somewhere ; figure out where to get a few gas cans and find some gas to fill them or she wasn’ t going to be going much farther . It amazed her that in a few short weeks of her arriving at her parents that the outside world had deteriorated so much.
    After being on the road for a couple hours, she had made it through Metropolis Beth decided to pull into a gas station which looked abandoned. When the car was stopped she quickly surveyed the place and saw only a few infected subjects roaming the streets up ahead. Grabbing her Beretta she opened the door and made sure to leave it open ed in case she had to get out of there quickly. These subjects did not seem to be in any hurry to get to her but all the same, were coming her way. So Beth took a quick scan to see if she could see something that may suit her needs and just when she was about to give up and head back to the car Beth saw a bright red t en gallon gas can sitting at the corner of the building.
    The subjects were getting closer by the minute and this left no time for her to try to syphon gas out of cars but she could at least get the gas can. Running over she picked it up and much to her surprise it felt like there was at least half full. Turning to head back to the car one of the subjects had caught her off guard.
    There he was about five feet from her and she knew that she had to do something. Remembering what happened earlier with her family, Beth did not care anymore. This subject was limping horribly and had huge chunk taken out of the right side of his face. His right eye was hanging out of its socket and he looked like he had been dead for at least a week or more. Not even thinking and acting on primal instinct Beth raised her right arm with her firearm in hand. The safety was off and with a hair trigger pull she shot the subject dead center in the head.
    The gun shot must have been a dinner bell, because now more subjects were headed in her direction. Quickly reaching down to pick up the gas can Beth then ran over to her car door which she had left open for just this reason. She placed the gas can in her passenger seat after she got in and shut the door. Turning the key Beth sped off once more with at least a dozen of the subjects crowding her vehicle.
    Beth stayed on I- 24 going west and thought that going through Cape Girardeau would be ten times as worse than Metropolis was. Before she got into the Cape Beth pulled off the side of the road needing to go to the

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