Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins

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Book: Surviving Day By Day (Book 1): So it Begins by Audra Allensworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Allensworth
Tags: Zombies
bathroom but what was more she had to put the gas can in the trunk , the fumes were giving her a headache. She had left the windows down but if she had to go through anywhere populated they would need to be rolled up and passing out due to gas fumes was not on her list of things to do.
    When she had the car parked Beth got out and the fresh air really felt good to breathe in. No subjects were in sight and she reached inside the car to pop the trunk. After she put the gas can inside, Beth rea rranged everything and got a bottle of water out of the tote. Beth did not want to go too far from the car, so she decided to go to pop a squat right by the car. Relieving herself outside was really uncomfortable but quite refreshing all at the same time. “Guys have got it easy!!! All they have to do is shake it once or twice…..lucky bastards”, she said out loud to herself trying to make light of the situation.
    When she was finished she sat on the trunk and opened the bottle of water taking a long drink. The coolness of it trickling down her throat did feel good. So much had happened and now here she was on the verge of heading into the Cape and only time would tell what she would run into once she got into the city.

Chapte r 6 - Alden:
    Alden drove for three hours as Tonto laid in the back of the club cab. There was only static on the radio as it scanned through the channels. Occasionally it would pick up a Civil Service Announcement telling people to “stay in their homes and remain calm.” Alden smiled and spoke to the radio, “okay Uncle Sam, whatever you say .. . f ucking assholes.”
    Reaching over he turned it off. Tonto sat up a nd jumped into the front seat, h is tail swatting Alden in the face. “Damn it dog , get over on your side of the truck and sit the fuck down.”
    Tonto sat as Alden reached over and rubbed him behind his ears. Tonto turned and looked out the window then over to Alden. A small whimper came out of him. Looking over Alden smiled, “ Yeah Buddy I think you right , I need to take a break too.”
    Slowing down he had kept his eyes out for deadheads. He pulled into a scenic overlook. Stopping the truck he looked around. The re was a m ountain to his right , the road in front and behind was clear. As far as he could tell the only way to get to them without him seeing them wa s up this cliff and he didn’t think even a deadhead would try to climb that.
    Alden relieved himself over the cliff as Tonto found several rocks to mark. Walking back to the truck he opened the cooler and pulled out a small can of Dinty Moore stew. Opening it he pulled out the small can of Sterno and the little stove. It took only a few minutes and the stew was starting to simmer. As it cooked he retrieved Tonto’s bowls and filled one with dog food and the other with water. Setting the water bowl down Tonto lapped at it furiously the slowed and looked up at him. “Yeah buddy don’t worry I haven’t forgot about you.”
    Putting on a heavy work glove he covered the Sterno and took the Can off the stove stirring it and pouring some of the juice onto Tonto’s food. The n set his dog ’s bowl down.
    Reaching back in the truck he pulled an old blanket canteen from the floor, he sat down next to his dog, reaching in his front pocket he took out a Swiss army knife. Flipping out the spoon tool he began to stir and eat. The sky was cloudy with patches of deep blue above his head. The air smelled of cedar and pine trees, looking off across the wide open expanse in front of him he thought of the beauty it held. The whole world in front of him calm serene and peaceful. The tops of the tree s swaying in the breeze below; t he sun shining it rays in beams through open areas of the clouds. The sunrays coming down almost like water falls from the skies. He sighed as he ate; Tonto finished his food and went to roaming. Marking more rocks he hadn’t hit. Alden laughed at him, “Damn boy you’d think you want all the other animals to

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