Letting Go (Healing Hearts)

Free Letting Go (Healing Hearts) by Michelle Sutton

Book: Letting Go (Healing Hearts) by Michelle Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Sutton
without risking my health.”
    Diane choked back tears. Surely her mother cared about her more than about her holiday plans. Mothers are supposed to care about their children. So why did her mother have to be so different?
    “That’s too bad. I’ve been selected as one of the judges in the Junior Miss Beauty Pageant in Las Vegas that weekend. This year’s pageant is being filmed at the MGM Grande. I’ve already made the commitment. I can’t cancel at this late notice.”
    Against her will, Diane’s eyes burned and her nostrils flared. Why did she always let her mother upset her? She knew what her mother was like, but it still hurt.
    “It’s okay, Mother. I’ll be fine. I have plenty of friends and people to help me here. Don’t worry about a thing.” Her throat tightened.
    Her mother cackled as if Diane had suggested the most stupid thing possible. “Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t need to worry about you. You’re young and beautiful and smart. And you’ve got a good head on your shoulders.”
    That’s your problem, Mother. You never worried when you needed to. I couldn’t protect myself. You should’ve helped me. I need you now.
    Her mother crooned, “Is there anything I can get you in Vegas, dear? Can I send you something in the mail, like a new outfit?”
    “No, I have plenty of clothes. A gift won’t fix—never mind.” Diane exhaled with an exaggerated sigh. “I’m tired. Call me later, okay? Bye.”
    “I’ll call you as soon as I can.”
    Diane hung up the phone. “Sure, whatever,” she mumbled.
    As swells of discouragement pounded her, something caught her attention, distracting her from her overwhelming desire to weep. It looked as if someone had put a sticky note on the fridge.
    She crossed the kitchen and read, “Diane, if you need anything, call me. I hope to see you Wednesday. Enjoy the food. God bless you. Love, Katia.”
    Opening the refrigerator door, she smiled. Katia had stocked it with fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Unfamiliar warmth filled Diane’s heart at such a simple act of kindness. At least one person in the world cared about her.
    Then her smile melted into a frown. How could she deceive Katia and continue to act as if she had never attempted to seduce Ken? Her conscience pricked. She needed to confess what she had done.
    *   *   *
    “Thanks for coming over. There’s something we really need to talk about.” Diane tried to hold Katia’s gaze but had to glance away. Her wide, innocent eyes looked so trusting. Diane’s lungs constricted at the thought of destroying any chance of continuing friendship with her admission.
    Perhaps it had been a mistake to invite Katia over. Informing her about the incident with Ken at the hotel might wreck the tender thread holding Ken and Katia’s relationship together. After all, nothing had happened. So why did she want to confess? Did she really want to lose the only friend she had in the world?
    Sweeping her doubts away before she had a chance to further ponder the ramifications of her confession, Diane blurted out, “I asked you over because I need to apologize. You’ve been so nice to me. I can’t stand having this secret between us. I’d like us to be better friends, but until I make things right, I know I’ll always feel uncomfortable around you.”
    “Okay, I’m listening,” Katia replied, gazing into her eyes.
    Diane watched her friend swallow. Guilt weighed her down like a pack full of law books. “Please, don’t hate me when I tell you this.”
    “You’re starting to scare me. Just tell me what’s bothering you.”
    Katia clasped her hands together. Diane noticed a slight twitch.
    “I . . . Oh, I can’t say it. This was a bad idea. I’m sorry. It was a mistake having you come over here.” Diane’s stomach ached and fear ripped the air from her lungs.
    “No, it’s okay. I can take it. If you don’t tell me I’ll go crazy wondering what it could be. Would it help if I prayed for you

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