
Free Gator by Bijou Hunter

Book: Gator by Bijou Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bijou Hunter
release her nipple. She holds on, her fingers gripping my hair. When I bite her
nipple before resting her on the bed, Mia’s hips buck. I finally release her
tit and stare into Mia’s eyes. They’re wide, filled with shock and joy.
    My fingers
test her pussy, finding it moist. Though not wet enough for me to work myself
inside without causing pain. I don’t know if this is the best I can hope for
with a woman so broken. She stares at me and smiles in a way that says I can
have her now. I don’t have to wait, but I do.
    My gaze locks
onto her throat. There’s a short thick scar where her neck meets her shoulder.
Is this a mark from when the bastard nearly killed her? Or was it from another
horror in her short life? Either way, I lower my lips and suck at the flesh.
    Mia shivers
and opens up to me. Her whole body goes soft under my touch and her pussy warms
and dampens against my fingers.
    My lips suck
at her shoulder then each hard nipple is bathed by my tongue. She’s breathing
faster now, wiggling around like she can barely tolerate the pleasure. Smiling
at her arousal, I slide down between her legs.
    Her bare pussy
spreads for me and I see just how aroused she is now. I enjoy a taste and Mia
    “You taste
like mine,” I whisper and she lifts her head to see me.
    Whether she
wants more or for me to stop, I really don’t care. Her flavor is all I can think
about as I lick again. I can’t hear over Mia’s moans, but there is nothing in
the world more beautiful than the sounds of her pleasure. I suck at her clit
and she loses control.
    Mia comes
hard. As her hips grind against my unyielding lips, she lets out a guttural
noise like none I’d heard before. Wild and deep, the cry erupts from inside her
and I nearly stop. Mia sounds terrified and broken. Ripped to her core.
    I don’t
yield. Instead, I bring her down from the powerful orgasm until she’s limp on
the bed, her breathing ragged and expression lax. I climb over her and find her
    She doesn’t
respond at first then her limbs wrap around me. Even weak from a lifetime of
malnourishment, she holds me with power. Her lips respond to mine, lick and
tasting. She savors what I created in a body accustomed to hating sex. A body
never knowing trust. A body released from so much pain.
    As her lips
devour mine, Mia’s hips arch upward and my cock rubs against her stomach. She
is unhinged, yet never more relaxed. I break free of her grasp and lick her
chin, throat, and suck her nipple into my mouth. Mia shudders under me. Her
hands are in my hair, teasing and soft. Her hips remain eager, searching for
    Mia cups my
face and tugs me upward. Her hands move to my hips and she wants me higher. Understanding,
I crawl over her, so my hard cock is at her lips.
    Mia sucks at
my flesh hungrily. She must know how close I am because she doesn’t tease. Her
hands stroke me rhythmically while her lips wrap around the head of my cock. A
few wonderful deep sucks and I let go. My hands caress her hair as I close my
eyes and enjoy the relief.
    Mia sucks me
dry, yet doesn’t pause. She licks the head and caresses my cock and balls until
I’m hard again from her touch.
    When I kiss
her, she smiles and wraps me tightly in her arms. I sense she’s proud at
bringing me pleasure. After a lifetime of serving the desires of people she
hates, she wants to give to the man she loves. Sucking me off isn’t about
carnal needs. It’s about sharing herself in a way I’ve never had a woman share
before. So much more than fucking, this is intimacy in its basest form.
    “Jake,” she
whimpers when my cock spreads her pussy.
    “Mia,” I
whisper because she needs to know I see her. No one else. Only Mia exists for
me now.
myself up over her, I thrust deeper until I fill her completely. Her pussy is
so hot and wet that I pause just to enjoy the feel of it sucking softly at my
cock. Mia’s hands are on my arms, stroking my shoulders and chest.

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