The Last of the Sages (Sage Trilogy, Book 1)

Free The Last of the Sages (Sage Trilogy, Book 1) by Julius St. Clair

Book: The Last of the Sages (Sage Trilogy, Book 1) by Julius St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julius St. Clair
bearing on the fact that they may be our enemy. I expect you to do your duty and follow orders if the occasion arises. I’ve seen many give up their allegiances in the name of blood.”
    “Did that ever happen to you?”
    “You really have no tact when it comes to personal questions, do you, James?” Arimus replied. James decided he wasn’t going to ask another question after that. He also figured Arimus wasn’t going to answer the question. Arimus merely sighed upon seeing James’s disappointment and continued. “To answer your question, no, it didn’t happen to me personally.”
    “So now that that’s out of the way, this first test can continue.”
    “I thought that was the test.”
    “James, I believe your words, but that doesn’t mean you’re not lying. We must know for sure.”
    “I’m not lying.”
    “I know,” Arimus said matter-of-factly. James threw up his hands incredulously.
    “Then why do we need to test my loyalties further?”
    “James, don’t be so defensive. If you have nothing to hide, then relax. The fact of the matter is, we don’t know who you are. It would be different if we’d served together side by side for years and suddenly I question your loyalty. Your wounded emotions would be warranted.”
    “I guess so.”
    “Now,” Arimus began, raising a hand toward the academy entrance.” I would like to introduce to you one of the generals in the highest division - ”
    “ - like Kyran?”
    “Yes, like Kyran. General - ”
    “ - what rank?”
    “What do you mean rank?”
    James eyed Arimus oddly. Did Catherine lie to him last night about the ranks? Otherwise, how could Arimus look at him with such confusion?
    “You know , ran k ,” James stressed, as if that explained everything.
    “Oh yes, rank. General of the 8th class,” he spat out as if he were making it up. “General - ”
    “ - do you even know?”
    A war cry echoed throughout the courtyard from the academy entrance as the oak doors slammed open and a short, but menacing-looking woman stormed toward them like they were about to engage in battle, her violent red-purple hair swinging in the wind as if it was a whip, swatting at the air as if there was a swarm of gnats. Her thin scarlet breastplate had the symbol of an orange-red flame and her sword’s sheath glistened despite the lack of sunlight. But besides some steel knee pads and forearm gauntlets, it didn’t look like she had any other armor on, and from how furious she looked, James could only imagine why she didn’t need it.
    “Who’s this lady?” James asked abruptly. She immediately thrust her nose into his.
    “My name is Scarlet, okay? Scarlet: scar - let, with a scar in there. Got it? GOT IT!?” Her yelling sprayed spit in James’s face and he tried to decide whether to wipe it away or not. He raised a hand to do so but quickly let it back down out of fear.
    This lady is nuts!
    Scarlet lifted her head back toward the sky and screamed again in frustration. Arimus struggled not to smile.
    “What’s so funny, Arimus?” she demanded, turning to face him. He smiled warmly.
    “It was just cute the way you stormed out here, all - ”
    Scarlet smacked him across the cheek and then immediately put her hands to her hips. She was about to say something when she suddenly changed her mind and slapped him again even harder. She huffed and puffed and nearly turned the color of her hair as Arimus cupped his mouth.
    “I told you! I told you not to call me cute! You never learn! I don’t care who you are, you still have to respect me! Think about it – you’re standing here calling me cute in front of a recruit! How is he going to respect me!”
    “You didn’t have to slap me twice,” Arimus stated calmly. “One was sufficient.”
    “Two for flinching!” she retorted.
    James gulped as she shook her head in amazement and began calming herself down, muttering little prayers and meditation exercises. Arimus almost let a smirk slip but Scarlet

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