Romance: The Wedding Planner & The Endowed Cowboy Husband

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Book: Romance: The Wedding Planner & The Endowed Cowboy Husband by Erin Walsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Walsh
for this rabid bear.  They may also be looking for a human who has connections to such a bear, making Miami very unsafe for you and your kin.  I suggest you move north for a while.”
    “Only a while?”
    “Until suspicion dies down, then you may return, or you may choose to stay.”
    “I’m allowed to take my daughter with me?”
    “Isolation doesn’t mean what it used to, an isolated bear may still be surrounded by his family.”
    “Thank you, sir.”
    “Daddy?  Can Tyson really come back?”
    “Yes, sweetheart.  He can come back once the police move on from this hunter business.”
    Hannah smiled and wrapped her arms around Tyson, pulling herself up high enough to kiss him, crushing her lips against his, trying to make up for the time they had missed.  After a few minutes she let herself drop to the floor, regaining composure after reminding herself who was all in the room with her.
    “I’m glad everyone has a happy ending.  Now, Sven and I shall be going.  Alpha, take care of my daughter.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “And my grandson.”
    “With my life, sir.”
    Hannah looked back and forth between her father and Tyson.
    “What grandchild?”
    Tyson laughed and placed his hand on Hannah’s belly, Hannah looked up at him and down at his hand, clarity rushing through her mind when she realized she was well past late.
    “Oh my god, really?”
    Hannah’s friends all looked at her with shock and awe, Scarlet being the exception as she stormed out of Hannah’s house without so much as a word to the reason why.  The rest of the girls chalked it up to pmsing while the celebrated Hannah’s pregnancy.
    Chapter Ten
    Hannah sat in a rocking chair was she watched Tyson packing up his and Leah’s belongings.  They had already been by Hannah’s to pack what she thought she’d need.  Most of her clothes were given away to charity, knowing she wouldn’t need any clothes for quite some time.
    She was humming a sweet tune and rubbing her belly that wasn’t even showing yet, feeling the familiar skin sizzle from being too close to Tyson.  She watched as he carefully packed Leah’s things, making sure she had absolutely everything in the world she could need, making Hannah very curious.
    “Can I ask about her mother?”
    “I don’t have to, if it’s hard to talk about.”
    “Sometimes it’s hard, but you deserve to know.”
    “Who was she?”
    “She was a human, who knew nothing about shifters.  We were together for two years, engaged after only one.”
    “What happened to her?”
    “She died in child birth.  When she had asked for children, I thought since she was human we would have human children, but I was wrong, and that cost Leah her life.”
    “So you named your daughter after her.”
    Tyson just nodded.  Hannah rose from the chair and stalked over to Tyson, pushing the box out of the way and pulling him onto bed with her, her hands tugging to open his belt as she pressed her lips against his, slowly licking her way into his mouth. 
    Once his pants were undone, Hannah dipped her hands into his pants and pulled his cock free of the fabric prison, stroking up and down till his cock had grown rock hard against her palm.  Hannah smiled against their kiss, her hand dropping from his cock and moving to under her dress, pulling her panties down and tossing them onto the floor, she rolled Tyson onto his back and climbed up on top of him, positioning his cock with her hand to rub against the entrance of her pussy, teasing him and spreading moisture around. 
    Tyson then gazed up at her, watching the power of controlling an alpha glow within her green eyes, the baby giving her even more confidence than she had before.  Hannah slid herself down on his cock, grinding her hips against his as she felt the head of his cock rubbing against her g-spot.  Her palms laid flat on his chest as she rocked herself nice and slow against

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