Romance: The Wedding Planner & The Endowed Cowboy Husband

Free Romance: The Wedding Planner & The Endowed Cowboy Husband by Erin Walsh

Book: Romance: The Wedding Planner & The Endowed Cowboy Husband by Erin Walsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Walsh
    “Yes, this is what I was trying to tell you before.  The hunters have connections, and they hired a shifter hater to watch over my daughter, and if I did anything stupid, they threatened to hurt Leah.”
    “So you gave up the other shifters, to save your daughter?”
    It had started making sense to Hannah, every time she had mentioned kids, or wanting some, Tyson would always change the subject and go pale, as if he were suddenly sick to his stomach.  Hannah thought it was because he didn’t want children, but now everything was clear, he didn’t want to have to lie about Leah, he wanted to protect her.  Hannah couldn’t help but smile softly towards Leah, picturing Tyson with her made her heart warm and bubbly, her hand moving down subconsciously to her stomach.
    “I did what I had to, to keep her safe.  But when you left me Hannah, because of them.  I couldn’t stand it.  It was them or you, and I chose you.”
    “But why kill them, and why so brutally?”
    “I was furious, and they deserved it.  They had killed so many of us, and I helped.  The guilt fuelled the bear, and he did what he had to, to protect his family.  I wasn’t going to let them go after my son like they did my daughter.”
    “Your son?”
    Hannah looked very confused, shaking her head.
    “How many children do you have exactly?”
    “Currently?  One and one third.”
    “What?  One third of a child?  What does it have three dads?”
    Now it was Tyson’s turn to look confused, he was gazing at Hannah looking for her to clue in, but she truly had no idea.  Tyson began to laugh, holding his stomach and shaking his head.
    “I don’t see what’s so funny.”
    “Tyson is just crazy Hannah, completely bonkers.  I think it’s time you call the council.”
    “But Scarlet, he was protecting his daughter, that is one of the few reasons that anyone would forgive murder.”
    “No Hannah, it’s just a good excuse so you can keep fucking him.”
    Hannah didn’t know why Scarlet was so upset at Tyson, everyone was hurt and felt betrayed by what he did but all the girls except Scarlet were coming to grips with the fact that he did it to protect family.  Hannah tossed Scarlet her phone, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at her.
    “Fine, then you call them.”
    “Fine, I will.”
    Scarlet picked up the phone and was scrolling through contacts when there was another knock at the door.  Hannah sighed and leaned her head back in defeat.
    “What now.”
    She walked over to the door and opened it up, outside her house were two of the seven council members.  Hannah gasped and opened her door wide, welcoming them into her home.
    “What brings council members here?”
    “I think you know, Hannah.”
    “I don’t…
    “You were always such a bad liar.  The council allowed me and Sven to come here instead of all of us because you are my daughter.  Do not waste this gift with lies.”
    “Yes, daddy.”
    “Now, lets meet this rabid bear the news is going on about.”
    Hannah led her father and Sven towards the living room, the two of them staying right on the edge of the entrance while Hannah ducked in and stood beside Tyson, keeping a close eye on Leah at the same time.
    “Are you the rabid bear?”
    “Yes, Sir.  I am.”
    “Good of you to admit it.”
    “And this child?”
    “The reason I went rabid, sir.”
    “Ah, I see.  Well, I have a daughter of my own, so I understand very well that a man will do just about anything to protect his young.  We will seek no more answers from you Tyson.”
    “How do you know my name?”
    “The council knows everything, didn’t you know that Alpha?”
    Tyson just gapped at Hannah’s father, usually it took a battle for territory for someone to feel the Alpha presence, yet they knew it was there from the beginning.
    “I am sorry to have to do this, but we must still ask that you move into isolation.”
    “What, why?”
    “Because, people are looking

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