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Book: Indiscretions by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
of him. She could feel every muscle, every fiber of his being as he pressed urgently against her, filling all the dips and curves of her body with his own.
    His strong, large hands stroked her waist, then her hips, pulling her even closer. A soft moan of raw pleasure slipped through her lips as Sean’s expert fingers trailed up and down her spine. He ran his fingers through her thick, auburn hair as he slid his velvety tongue into her waiting mouth.
    An uncontrollable tremor raced through her body as the heated fluids of arousal filled her to near bursting. Her mind swept through an array of conflicting emotions—desire, longing and fear. Was this what she really wanted? Hidden doubts crept through her brain, like miniature thieves in the night. But the flame of indecision was quickly extinguished when Sean lifted his head and his smoldering gaze bored through her. In that instant, a silent agreement was made. She realized their relationship was on the brink of taking on a new dimension, and her pulse quickened in expectation. He took her hand and led her out of the room.
    Khendra reached for the door to her bedroom, but Sean gently pulled her in the opposite direction.
    â€œBut Sean, I—”
    â€œShh. Come with me.”
    He led her into the bathroom, closed the door and turned on the shower. Khendra stood silently in wide-eyed wonder, as the room quickly filled with steam.
    Sean moved toward her, an untamed light filling his eyes. He pulled her to him, and his hot, moist lips smothered her own.
    â€œI want you,” he groaned in her ear, his tempting tongue taunting the cord of her neck. He slipped his hands under her white silk blouse and threaded his fingers through the clasp of her black lace bra. Her swollen breasts seemed to cry out in release as their heaviness was cupped and kneaded with tender, loving hands.
    Khendra tossed her head back in surrender, as in one smooth motion, Sean pushed up her blouse, tempering his hunger on the succulent fruits. The contact was explosive. Sean visibly trembled while Khendra’s breathing escalated into rapid, panting gasps. She wanted to scream, but then his mouth captured hers again.
    His hands skillfully slid down her back and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall around her bare feet. Dizzy with a desire, she thought was long buried, she began to unbutton his shirt and loosened the button of his slacks. Her slender fingers traced the outline of his broad, muscular chest, while his hands eased around the elastic of her black slip, and it, too, fell to the floor. Then, raising her arms above her head, Sean removed the sleeveless blouse and pulled her solidly against him, his own blooming desire hard and demanding.
    The steam from the shower enveloped them, covering their near-bare bodies in a fine mist. Khendra’s hair hung loosely around her shoulders, and Sean reached down to sweep a wispy tendril from her face. Then he caught the look of doubt and confusion clouding her eyes. He stroked her face.
    â€œWhat is it?” he asked, his throaty voice filled with concern.
    â€œIt’s been so long…and I don’t have…I mean I’m using—”
    The light of understanding quickly filled his eyes. Without another word, he reached for the wallet in his pants pocket and retrieved a small packet, putting her fears to rest. He bent down and lightly kissed the soft smile that tipped her lips. Then reaching for the shower door, he opened it, urging her forward with just a look. They slipped out of the remnants of their clothing, marveling at the beauty of the other. Their tan and brown bodies, glistening with perspiration from the heat of the shower, resembled bronze statues after a summer’s rain. Together they stepped into the shower and closed the door behind them.
    The steamy, pulsing water cascaded over them, cleansing them and arousing them with its beat. Sean took the bar of lavender-scented soap and trailed it across her

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