
Free Indiscretions by Donna Hill

Book: Indiscretions by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
How about dinner, at my house?” She startled herself at the spontaneity of her words, but was happy she had made the decision.
    â€œI can’t think of anything I’d rather do.”
    Khendra, too nervous to drive, handed him the keys and walked around to the passenger side of the car. “You drive.”
    As Sean eased into the car, Khendra’s body tensed with the nearness of him.
    â€œI really thought you’d never speak to me again,” he said, maneuvering the car around the winding turns.
    She took a calming breath before answering. “You were almost right. I have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions.”
    â€œI hadn’t noticed,” he quipped with a teasing smile. “But I dialed your number so many times over the weekend, your phone number was singing to me in my sleep.”
    â€œI turned my machine off. I had a problem,” she said, somewhat thrilled he had tried repeatedly to reach her.
    â€œI was sure I was doomed. I didn’t think you’d believe me. I even thought of camping out on your doorstep.”
    â€œWhat stopped you?” An amused look danced in soft brown eyes.
    â€œI knew that if you saw me sprawled there and just stepped over my body, I would never recover from humiliation. You do have an air of indifference about you.” He turned to her and smiled.
    â€œIt’s just that it’s not often that I—” she hesitated, then shrugged.
    â€œGet involved?” he said, completing her sentence.
    â€œSomething like that.” She lowered her eyes.
    â€œThat’s going to change,” he said assuredly. Khendra’s heart skipped a fraction of a beat. “I can guarantee it.”

    â€œYou’re not only beautiful and intelligent, you’re a great cook,” Sean said as he took the last mouth-watering forkful of steamed red snapper and sautéed rice and washed it down with a long swallow of sparkling cider.
    â€œI’m glad you enjoyed it, sir.” She gave a mock bow as she rose to clear the table.
    â€œLet me help you with those.” Sean collected the glasses and silverware and followed her into the kitchen.
    He never ceases to amaze me, Khendra thought, as she filled the sink with hot, sudsy water. He didn’t appear to be the type of man who would be handy in the kitchen, or even want to be associated with one. His somewhat arrogant exterior belied the caring man underneath. Khendra’s heart smiled at the revelation and wondered in anticipation what other surprises Sean Michaels had up his sleeve. They worked in companionable silence, the misunderstanding of the weekend having been explained and put behind them. The only sounds were the rushing water and the soft beat of the stereo as Anita Baker’s throaty alto voice embraced them with her hit, “Rapture.”
    The intimacy of the moment, the good food and soft music intensified in the sultry atmosphere. Intermittently, their fingers brushed each other’s, and with each contact, electricity charged the air.
    Khendra’s heart beat erratically in her chest, while Sean tried valiantly to control the mounting desire he felt for this tantalizing woman. He turned to her. She held her breath. He slowly reached over and wiped away a spot of soapy water from the cleft in her chin. The brief contact sent rivers of fire rushing through her veins.
    Sean searched her eyes as if wanting to enter her soul. Then, before she knew what happened, he lowered his head and gently brushed her lips with his own. He instantly felt powerless to control the surge of emotion that flooded his being, and without thinking any further, he pulled her possessively into his arms, his mouth locking with hers.
    Khendra felt her spirit leave her body as she gave in to the delight of their first kiss. Slowly, she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer. Primitive, dark, and erotic feelings soared through her with the nearness

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