Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Free Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by JC Szot

Book: Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by JC Szot Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Szot
Allie turned off the hose and looked at her. The humidity glistened on her skin like glitter.
    “I’m going to St. Thomas for a week or so.”
    “Wow, that’s nice. Who you going with?” Allie asked, trying to detect if she was going with her swinger friends, and if Tess would tell her.
    “Just some friends from the Readington area,” she said.
    “Who do you know from Readington?” Allie continued to fish, tired of looking like a fool in her eyes. This trip seemed spur-of-the-moment. Maybe she was going with the couple Allie and Marty had seen her with during their surveillance.
    “Oh, you don’t know them.” Tess waved her off.
    “Well, obviously. I just wondered who they were. You never talk about them.” Allie noted her forceful tone.
    “They’re just some people I know, Allie, that’s all.” Tess’s words bit back, scoring through her.
    Allie’s spine stiffened with shock.
    “Hey, why don’t you just back off, Tess.” Allie rolled up the hose and left her in the greenhouse. She heard Tess’s bare feet slapping against the stairs of the deck as she trailed after her.
    “Hey, Al, I’m sorry.” Tess squeezed through the sliding glass door before Allie could slam it in her face.
    Allie wasn’t in the mood for her today. Tess was acting like a spoiled brat. Allie was sure it was because Marty wouldn’t give in to her whims. She was running away from the issue, escaping the reality of his decision. Allie pulled a pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge.
    “Al, I’m sorry.” Tess reached over, gliding her hand down her arm. Allie shuddered, thinking how many other people Tess had touched over the last twelve hours, her skin shriveling at the thought.
    “No problem.” Allie poured her tea, offering Tess a glass.
    “Could you watch the house?” Tess asked.
    Allie watched her suck on the ice, running her tongue over a cube.
    “Sure I can.”
    “You can swim, cook out, do whatever you want. I just want you to keep an eye on things.” She removed her glasses, setting them on her head. “I appreciate it.” She leaned on the island, sipping her tea.
    “How long will you be gone?” Allie was already plotting her time alone with Marty. The images she was conjuring up in her head sent a thrilling rush through her. Her adrenaline pumped through, feeling like a drug, her own personal speedball.
    “I think I’ll be gone for about two weeks, definitely a week and a half. I can’t wait. I need a change.” Tess waggled her brows, winking at her.
    “Well, you enjoy yourself.” Allie stared at her rippled face through the glass tumbler, her mind assembling her own web of change that she couldn’t wait to entangle herself in.
    Allie found herself elated with the fact that Tess was leaving. The voice speaking inside of her head was one that Allie still didn’t recognize.

Chapter 12

    “Here are my keys. Remember, if you want to swim or just hang out, you’re welcome to.”
    It was early Monday morning. Tess must have had to set her alarm clock. She hadn’t been up and out this early since her divorce hearing.
    “So what’re you gonna do while I’m gone?” she asked.
    “Oh, the usual,” Allie assured her nonchalantly.
    “Well, I’m off. Tell Sir Marty I said goodbye.” Tess blew her a kiss and flounced out the door, her short, mossy-green skirt moving with the sway of her hips.
    Allie cringed. She watched Tess’s car disappear down the driveway, hearing her tires screech on the asphalt was music to her ears. Immense relief flooded through Allie’s body. Now she could do what she wanted. They were alone. Allie couldn’t wait to tell Marty that Tess was gone for ten lovely days.
    Allie finished some graphics for work and went over to Marty’s, leaving her box on the porch for pickup. Marty was outside painting the trim on his workshop. Allie sauntered across the yard, feeling light on her feet. She planned to ask him to come over and look at the paints tonight for his mural. For the next

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