Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3)

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Book: Obsidian Music (Lion Security Book 3) by Scarlett Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Dawn
struggling under Ember.
    “Last time I’m asking. How many are on their way?” Ember’s eyes were hard as she gazed down at the prone beautiful woman.
    “Fuck you,” she hissed.
    Ember’s smile was chilling. “And that was the wrong answer.”
    She shot her. Point blank. To the head.
    Blood splattered all over her face, and she didn’t even flinch. Fluidly, she jumped off the dead woman, glancing around, asking quickly, “If anyone can move, speak up now.”
    No one moved or spoke to the war painted redhead.
    “Fuck,” Ember cursed, holstering her gun inside the leg of her pants, already running over to Grigori, pulling a cell phone out of her pocket.
    She pressed a button, her gaze glued on Grigori, and listened for only a heartbeat, saying, “It’s Ember. Unknown totals of hostiles inbound to our house. Need assistance ASAP.” She hung up without listening or saying anything else, stuffing the cell back in her pocket.
    She grabbed Grigori’s hands and pulled, but he had to weigh at least two hundred forty, and all of that solid muscle. He didn’t go far. She started murmuring, desperately, her facial expression turning frantic as she stared down at him, “No. No. No. No. Come on, dammit. Come on.” She put a foot up between his legs on the couch and heaved, her face turning red under the drying blood splatter.
    “Shh,” Grigori stated hoarsely. “Get…out. Run.”
    “Not happening,” she grunted, her chin trembling as she stared at him. Her face turned red again, grunting low, yanking him. “You’re not going to die. Not dying. Not dying. Not dying.” She kept this mantra up as she put both feet up on the couch, so she was leaning back in the air, and yanked with all her might. And Grigori’s body lifted, and tumbled off the couch, falling right on top of a red-faced Ember.
    She groaned under him, her body barely visible under his mass. She managed to crawl out from under him after a lot of grunting and cursing, getting on her knees and—I blinked—quickly rolling him behind the couch, away from any doors or windows. The whole while Grigori growled at her to run, the only word he appeared to be able to say now. She kept telling him to shut the hell up. She popped up behind the couch, putting two guns in the back of her the waistline of her pants, racing over to Zane next, and grabbed his hands, but the sound of cars rolling up in front of the house stopped her.
    “Goddammit. Three, at least,” she muttered, her head tilted, listening. She dropped his hands and started lifting his shirt, her hands running around his waist, and pulling a gun free, before she sprinted across the room, straight at my couch. Her hair hung in her face, and her tiny hands started searching Daniil for weapons, pulling a small arsenal out from under his clothing, stashing them anywhere she could on her person.
    I managed to puff out a breath, saying, “Ankle.” Oh. My. God! I couldn’t believe how badly it hurt to say just that, not understanding how Grigori had managed. But I had a gun there. Daniil had made me, and I wanted her to take it. She was the only thing keeping us alive at the moment.
    “No time,” Ember stated hurriedly, running across the room, hitting the lights, darkness enveloping us. She slammed the huge doors closed behind her.

I heard Ember race up the stairs only moments before the sounds of the front doors crashed open. And what came next, I was really hoping I would never hear again inside my home. It sounded like Ember let a huge group of men enter—I lost track of how many voices I heard, but it was close to thirty—before she opened fire, probably from somewhere up on the balcony that looked over the foyer where they all seemed to congregate.
    Some men screamed, but the most I heard was the piercing sound of rapid gunfire volleying back and forth. The doors to our room slammed open, and men threw themselves inside, rolling to a stop. It was as if they were spotlighted from the lights

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