Apache Rampage

Free Apache Rampage by J. T. Edson

Book: Apache Rampage by J. T. Edson Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. T. Edson
Tags: Western
rifle shooting match. The finest rifle-shots in the West were entered for it and this was the man who won. Nudging Rosie hard in the ribs Molly warned:
    ‘You keep good and quiet, little sister. This’s one man I won’t want to tangle with in a shooting match.’
    ‘Say Phyl,’ Mark said. ‘You all ever meet up with a German girl called Eeney Haufman?’
    ‘Sure, that’s going back a few years. She gave me a good fight. Did you know her?’
    ‘Why sure,’ Mark agreed.
    Dusty slowed his horse to a walk, allowing the wagon to pull ahead of him. He left Mark and Waco to talk with the girls and keep them amused, for Dusty wanted to do some fast, uninterrupted thinking. He wanted his plans made ready, in case the Apaches jumped them. He also wanted to think over the situation and call on the Kid’s Indian savvy. He saw the Kid was allowing the wagon to pass and rode alongside his friend. Neither spoke for a moment, then Dusty asked:
    ‘How do you see it, Lon?’
    ‘Like this. Ole Ramon was a friend of the white-eyes, now he’s dead. Lobo Colorado’s in Ramon’s place and he’s going to strike out.’
    ‘You sure of that?’
    ‘Sure as I am of salvation, or even surer. He’ll hit out with his men to show the others how he hates white-eyes.’
    ‘Then we’ve got to guess where he’ll hit first,’ said Dusty. ‘How do you see that town back there?’
    ‘Be a good place for him to make his move,’ agreed the Kid. ‘Man said Ramon went to their church, was their friend. That makes them the best bet for it. You can bet all you’ve got that Lobo Colorado’s got them folks figgered out for what they are and knows for certain they’d be the easiest place to make a start. Easy kills and easy coups, plenty of loot to show the others who aren’t ready for war. Yes sir, Dusty, Baptist’s Hollow’s the most likely place for him to hit.’
    For a moment Dusty thought of heading back and offering to help defend the town, but he discarded the idea. There was no guarantee Lobo Colorado would strike at the town, only a guess. The sooner the Army learned that an uprising was in the air the better. Now Dusty and his party was clear of the town there was no sense in their going back. Their best bet would be to push on to the fort and warn the Cavalry. Dusty knew that there might be trouble if he returned. He was not the sort of man to stand by and watch a job botched. If the defence of the town was not being handled correctly he would step in, and he knew the kind of people who inhabited Baptist’s Hollow.
    Dusty turned to his Indian-dark friend, and the Kid knew orders were coming. So did the other two Texans, and they left off talking to hear what Dusty said.
    ‘Lon, take a point ahead. Make a sweep along the trail for the next three or four miles. Do you know this part of the world, Doc?’
    ‘Never been out here before,’ Thornett answered. ‘Perchance our young friend in the wagon might know something.’
    Elwin came to the open front of the wagon, having unwillingly stopped talking to Janice. It took a minute for Dusty’s question to sink in, for Elwin to think out a sensible answer. His head was full of thoughts about a pretty little girl who appeared to like him and who thought he could make a living juggling. Finally he managed to sort out a reply.
    ‘There’s a relay station about six or seven miles ahead, mister.’
    ‘Make for it, Lon,’ ordered Dusty. ‘See how the folks who run it are. If you don’t come back and tell us different, we’ll follow you up slow and easy like. Hold your team down to a walk, Doc. We don’t want them tiring any if we have to make a run for it.’
    The Ysabel Kid rode ahead, allowing his huge white stallion to pick a fast, easy pace, the kind of gait the huge horse could cover miles at and still keep enough left inside for a real fast run should one become necessary. He rounded a bend in the trail and was out of sight of the wagon, thick brush closing in on either

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