5 Blue Period

Free 5 Blue Period by Melanie Jackson

Book: 5 Blue Period by Melanie Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Jackson
attraction of the restaurant was a well-stocked wine bar, but it was one of those places that felt that every vintage and label offered needed to be on display. Like a woman who didn’t understand the concept of keeping a little mystery in the relationship that she could use to surprise her guests when the first rush of attraction was over.
    Still, every table was filled with tourists who seemed to like the décor and they filled up the small space with tight, tired voices that were determined to have some fun. The customers seemed a bit chloroformed by the heat and either burnt a shade of lobster or else sweating under their zinc-oxide sunscreen, which had the unfortunate effect of making their eyes look like bullet holes shot through their gleaming faces with small caliber ammunition, but the food and drinks kept coming and eventually began to do their work. The mood healed, proper internal temperature was achieved, and there was more genuine laughter.
    Napa without tourists is probably lovely , Juliet thought. Perhaps she would come back in March.
    “ Bella ?” Esteban asked politely.
    Juliet forced herself to focus on Raphael and Esteban. They had given their report on the widow, who was definitely not grieving but was shaken by the scrutiny of the police and suddenly behaving quite soberly. She was also very interested in when she could get some money from the estate. Her business was in the red and needed money immediately. Apparently there were not enough people who wanted clothes made of multiple dead animals.
    “And so what do we know?” Raphael asked.
    “This is all intuition but I think that this was a murder without a great deal of premeditation,” Juliet said. “Done by someone competent and resolved but unskilled in killing. At least in killing humans. The killer may have also gained access through Trefoil lands. There are only a couple strands of barbed wire separating the properties and the old vineyard runs all the way down to the road. There is also the matter of the napkin.”
    Juliet explained for Esteban’s benefit.
    “Does this narrow the field of suspects?” Raphael asked. He tasted the chardonnay he had ordered and seemed happy with his choice. Juliet had risked seeming a heathen and ordered a ginger ale. Her walk through the acreage had left her thirsty and she had a small headache.
    “No, not really. Talbert is capable of making a hit look unprofessional if he wanted to.”
    And Talbert was not acting with his usual, scary efficiency. He might even be said to be vacillating. She had to wonder if that was deliberate, a form of method acting to lull the observant.
    “And Edward?”
    Juliet shrugged uneasily. One’s personal life was spread-eagled once governmental arms reached for you. Carissa was figuring this out. She hoped for Edward’s sake that it didn’t come to that but it probably would if a strong suspect didn’t present him or herself soon.
    “I can’t logically cross him off. But … I don’t think he has the nerve. I would also be willing to bet that he has done a recent stint in some rehab.”
    “There was nothing in the files,” Esteban began. “But people do not always use their real name s in these situations.”
    “The signs were obvious?” Raphael asked , not questioning her judgment but admitting that he hadn’t seen them from a distance.
    She shrugged.
    “He just kept talking about feeling safer in small spaces and he’s very pale and shaky. Uber-dependent on nicotine. I could be wrong—and God knows Talbert would lie if he wanted—but I think Edward is … not a good candidate for seizing the moment and committing a murder. Frankly, I don’t even know if he is up to seizing the day.”
    Raphael studied her face for a moment.
    “Then let us leave the gruesome subjects of death and addiction and enjoy our meal. Esteban, how was southern California?”
    “Petitioning for admission to hell . How can anyone endure the summer in that unbreathable

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