The Captain's Wallflower

Free The Captain's Wallflower by Audrey Harrison

Book: The Captain's Wallflower by Audrey Harrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audrey Harrison
Tags: Nov. Rom
days!” Amelia retorted and walked around her cousin. She did not usually let her feelings get the better of her, but she was not about to let Serena get away with her remarks. Amelia would have had a far better time without the curse of being related to her aunt and cousin. She probably would not have received any marriage offers, a girl without a dowry who was also not a great beauty would hardly be at the top of any potential suitor’s list, but she might have had a few more acquaintances and, as a result, dances.
    When she changed her pelisse and outdoor dress into her plain muslin day dress her afternoon was spent as it always was: at the beck and call of her aunt. It was obvious that Serena had reported what Amelia had said to her because the cutting remarks from her aunt were at an all-time high. It was a relief when Amelia was forbidden to go to the ball on a trumped up excuse; she was able to go to bed at a reasonable time, looking forward to her morning appointment.

Chapter 6
    Amelia and Samson both hurried to the park as planned. Amelia still arrived earlier than the appointed time to enable Samson to run off some energy before they met Alexander. After yesterday’s events Amelia was keen to see what the day would bring. She was trying to convince herself that she was helping Alexander as any good Samaritan would, rather than feeling excitement at the thought of spending an hour in a handsome man’s company.
    She might not have been so happy if she had known in which direction Alexander’s thoughts were leaning. He had sat for most of the evening, trying to work out how he could use Samson to help him. He had started to think beyond the meeting every day; he wanted to spend a lot more time with the dog. He wanted to own him. The possibilities of having a dog that could guide him by using simple instructions was opening the world like nothing else had done since the battle. People would think him eccentric using a dog as a guide, but he was happy with that if it meant he gained some freedom.
    There was one problem he had to think through: he could not just go banging on the Basingstoke’s door and ask to buy the dog; they would consider it odd behaviour. Apart from that, it would put Miss Basingstoke in a difficult position and put him in the way of Miss Serena Basingstoke, something he wanted to avoid at all costs. He would have to think carefully about his next step.
    Alexander heard Samson’s welcoming ‘woof’ as he was guided to the gate as usual; he smiled at the dog. “Good morning. I hope you are both well?”
    Amelia could not stop the wry smile that spread across her face. “It’s the first time I’ve shared equal status with a dog,” she said pleasantly. “It’s a good thing Samson is my favourite animal.”
    Alexander laughed. “I’m no good at flattery, am I?”
    “I don’t think Samson would have any complaints,” Amelia said easily.
    She released Samson, and he immediately walked to Alexander’s left side. “Shall we, Miss Basingstoke?” Alexander asked, keen to continue with the work they had started the previous day.
    “Lead on,” Amelia said. She did not think Alexander realised just how confident he was when Samson was in position. She would always be worried that Samson would be distracted, but as each day passed, it seemed to be a less likely occurrence.
    Amelia followed the pair, keeping slightly behind. Samson was taking the route they had taken the day before, using his body to gently guide Alexander. She only interrupted the walk when they were approaching the bench they had used the day before.
    “I think Samson is looking forward to his treats; we’re already at the bench,” she said.
    “Good boy!” Alexander said and started to repeat the training of asking Samson to seek out the seat.
    After Samson responded flawlessly, Amelia interrupted. “Perhaps if we move further along to a different seat, we can test if Samson understands the word ‘seat’, or if

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