Virtually Real

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Book: Virtually Real by D. S. Whitfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. S. Whitfield
even if we all secretly hate them. What they believe about this Y’shua does actually help them, and I suspect that El may be looking after them.”
    “Don’t bring him into the picture. My help comes from myself. But I am intrigued by your views. You really believe that wealth, prosperity and the good life will bring the demise of these people that hardship and military action won’t?”
    “To go against them now with an army will do no good for you. If they do lose, and you manage to kill them all, their spirit will draw many of your own subjects to turn to this Y’shua. They will see that you have no regard for them, or even for what appears to be right, and they will have nothing to lose.
    “No! Lure them to become despicable in the eyes of many, then you can attack and your subjects will be in fear of you.”
    “Ah I can vent my hatred of them in due course. But how to begin the process I’isabel?”
    “We move on several fronts at once. I will arrange for a steady but inconspicuous inflow of women who will seek to seduce their men away from their wives. I will sow ideas that certain previously abhorred sexual acts are actually OK and that it is a normal behaviour for some of the population to be like this. This will take time but gradually what they call lies will replace what they call the truth. On your part see to it that their trade goes well and that all their citizens have more than enough to eat, and have idle hands that will want ways of being entertained. Don’t take this Y’shua head on whatever you do.”
    “As always you give sound advice my dear one,” he said affectionately. “But what do I do about those others who follow Y’shua and don’t belong to Israel. They only make up five percent of our population but I can’t get rid of them. What do you suggest for them?”
    “My dear ’Toni. How can you be so blind? We treat them the same way.”
    “What do you mean, ’Bel?”
    “Let them be blessed like I said so that they lose the edge and sharpness of their beliefs. Also cause them to stumble morally then accuse them of not being able to honour Y’shua, and that they are no better than anyone else. Wear them down with discouragement. Make them think that the way of love and sacrifice is phoney, that Y’shua does not really help them. And sow seeds in the population to cause them to be despised. For instance generate stories that Israel’s wealth has come from exploiting others. Hold these things back from action until it is all ready. They must first be softened in their morals and values by seductions, allurements, sensual and intellectual pleasures.”

    Chou Yi was quite different in approach, even if he and Antoni had the same personal ambitions for power. He too was married, but totally faithful to his wife and although he treated her well, he never confided with her in his schemes and ambitions. He was a loving father and husband at home in the old Chinese patriarchal sense. His real ambitions and the truth of his nature were acted out with a small group of his inner council. Yet even with his most trusted advisors, he would play mind games – favouring one for a while then another; being pleasant and affable one moment and angry and vindictive another. He also ensured that they all had much wealth, much power and therefore much to lose if they fell out with him.
    Chou Yi too was discussing how Israel could be removed from the world scene. To him Israel as a nation seemed to somehow, even unconsciously, point out that there may be a right direction for nations to go, and that El was real and perhaps even necessary to ensure prosperity. Besides, belief in this Y’shua threatened his control of the empire. About ten percent of the populations under his control gave allegiance to Y’shua which meant that he did not command their absolute loyalty – and this irked him greatly. He might seethe inside, but Chou Yi never showed his feelings, and always maintained a strict

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