Virtually Real

Free Virtually Real by D. S. Whitfield

Book: Virtually Real by D. S. Whitfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. S. Whitfield
Sow the thoughts that they deserve better or need to keep what they have without regard for anyone else. Make them think only of themselves – there is no room for the ideals of selflessness unless it is to our cause.
    “Second. Ridicule the whole idea that this Y’shua is of any significance. Establish other minor religions and even influence some to be great and noble leaders who live (apparently) exemplary lives. Anything that will confuse, belittle or corrupt the whole notion of Y’shua. This means that you will have to work on those who do follow Y’shua and get them to compromise their trust of him. Get them caught in all the old tricks. Keep pressure on their lives and the promise of release through sex, money, power or anything else. Although they have been set free from the power of what they call sin, many still have a strong liking for the pleasures of it and resist complete surrender to their Y’shua.”
    “That’s all very well Lucas, but we all know that some will stick with this Y’shua and that will upset your plans,” spoke a bold voice.
    “So far I have not vented my full fury and anger in this matter but the time is now short and we have to completely destroy all followers. This includes all of Israel’s citizens except, of course, those who are totally under our control. Then there will be no reference point for the v-people to think that their lives can be any different from what we want them to think. Oh yes; they will have free will. They will be free to choose the variety of deceptions we will present to them. They will be free to choose those!”
    “Well how are you going to do this Lucas?”
    “Remember they have a scripture in their book which says in effect that we ‘will make war against them and conquer them’. 3 They believe those to be inspired words so we know that if Eli caused them we can act on them.”
    “But what?”
    “That book also says that Y’shua will directly challenge the inspirer of wrong-doing and will destroy him. You seemed to have been outwitted by Y’shua previously, how will you get the better of him this time Lucas?”
    “The last time had to be allowed because we were replicating what had happened in human history. That is why we have this Y’shua v-fellow now. It fitted my purposes to allow Eli to do this so that the apparent experiences of human history would be properly built into the code systems of the model. We are now at the stage where, no matter what Eli might have persuaded these wretched v-people about Y’shua and about the book you refer to, we are now in control. We can experiment and out-work the virtual world future to suit us.
    “I want the best specialists in this field to monitor every action, every influence of both Eli’s team and our own. We are to observe trends very closely and make adjustments where needed so that our purposes are fulfilled. Take no notice of what Eli may have written and his pretence to determine the final outcome. All of you must work hard to discredit Y’shua and this book in the v-world, because unfortunately once these v-people start to believe it they become sensitive to Eli’s influence and we lose those who would otherwise be ours.
    “I want each of you to study all those v-people under your influence very carefully. Especially I want you to persuade the believers to compromise. Let them think that breaking minor traffic rules, cheating on their Government, a little lie or cover up won’t matter. As they say ‘softly softly catchee monkey’. Each transgression draws them away, lessens the influence so that they live a lie to what they may teach others. Destroy their credibility gently, so gently that they do not even notice and gradually they will accept the influences you put into their minds. They will even think they have come from that Y’shua fellow himself.
    “Yes we will be more than a match for them. We have seduction and lies down to a fine art so that nearly all of the

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