Pack Hunter

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Book: Pack Hunter by Crissy Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crissy Smith
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
shifters had. If even one person recognised him, there could be a riot.
    Clint straightened and moved closer to the edge of the crowd. If there was trouble he wanted to be ready.
    Austin and Tony had almost reached Colt and the other men. Clint watched Tony meet Colt’s gaze. Tony was even so bold to wink.
    Colt looked furious.
    Austin and Tony passed by without a word to any of the men. Clint just shook his head. Man. Tony and Austin had balls of steel.
    He followed their movements until they were back to their SUV and had climbed inside. He wasn’t sure what that appearance had been about, but he planned to ask later when they all met up again.
    He turned his attention back to the three men he was supposed to be watching. They had settled onto a bench in the park. Clint relaxed back against the building.
    Clint remained there for another hour before one of the men’s cell phone rang and he motioned the others to get up.
    They started to stroll away from the crowd and Clint followed discreetly behind.
    In the parking lot, they climbed into a truck. Clint ducked behind another building as they drove past him going towards the edge of town.
    He called Kurt.
    “They are on the move,” he told his friend.
    “My three just left also. They didn’t touch the fence, just took pictures of the compound from outside. Not much they could have seen with the trees blocking the house,” Kurt informed him.
    “Huh.” Clint didn’t get what that would accomplish.
    “I sent one of the younger guards in wolf form to see if he can follow them. Hopefully they will stay away from town and he can see where they are meeting up,” Kurt added.
    “I’ll head back to the compound then,” Clint told him. “Hey, what were Austin and Tony doing in town?”
    “Tony?” Kurt questioned. “I can see Austin chancing going in town—his Pack didn’t go public so no one would recognise him—but everyone knows Tony’s face.”
    “That’s what I was thinking,” Clint agreed.
    “Well, we’ll find out. But right now the Council is in meetings. So why don’t you head over to your Sara’s and check on her?” Kurt suggested.
    Clint really wanted to see Sara and that sounded like a damn good idea. It was still early evening and he knew she had been up later than normal with him the night before.
    “You know what?” he said to Kurt. “I’m gonna do that. Call me if you need anything, though.”
    “Will do, man,” Kurt responded. “But get some rest. Tomorrow, if they don’t make a move on us, we’ll force their hand. We need to end this shit and get these people out of here.”
    Clint couldn’t agree more. They exchanged goodbyes and Clint pocketed his phone and walked towards his truck where it was parked close to Sara’s shop’s alley.
    He knew the way to her house now with no problem. Just like the night before when he’d shown up in wolf form, he parked a block away.
    This time he stayed in human form and sneaked around the back of Sara’s property. He was almost to the edge of her yard when he heard the low command to stop.
    The cocking of a gun was loud next to his ear.
    He raised his hands and turned to the guard. “Hey, Ryan.”
    Ryan Bishop was one of the full-time guards at the compound. Clint and Ryan had become fast friends and he enjoyed working with him.
    Ryan dropped his gun and grinned. Clint had a feeling the other man had known that it had been him he’d pulled his gun on. In fact, Ryan had probably just been waiting for the opportunity. They shook hands.
    “Everything cool here?” Clint asked.
    Ryan nodded. “Sara and Cecil have been inside all day. I think they have been watching movies or something. They haven’t even tried to go outside and no one’s come close to the house, although a deputy car passes by every hour.”
    It didn’t surprise him that Sara’s dad would also send out a patrol to watch over his daughter.
    He slapped Ryan on the back. “Well, thanks, man. I really appreciate you

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