Repercussion: The Clandestine Saga Book 3

Free Repercussion: The Clandestine Saga Book 3 by ID Johnson

Book: Repercussion: The Clandestine Saga Book 3 by ID Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: ID Johnson
    By the time she climbed on her bike around 2:45, she was finally starting to feel a little better. Dressed in a deep purple cat suit, despite the high temperatures, she was hopeful that the hunt would go well, though she had her reservations. The Reno team just didn't seem to be on board. Hopefully, Cale had been successful at convincing them to trust Cadence's judgment. As she neared the Exxon parking lot they had agreed to meet in, she was beginning to regain her usual optimistic attitude.
                  That all changed when she realized the black Lamborghini Aventador parked in the shade of the tree line near the old gas pumps did not belong to the Reno team. She stopped her bike so abruptly, it almost spun out. Meaghan and Aurora were following close behind and had to take evasive action to avoid her as well. "Holy shit," she mumbled.
                  "Why is Aaron here?" Meaghan asked, stopping just inside of the parking lot and behind where Cadence had screeched to a halt.
                  "I have no earthly idea," Cadence replied. Realizing she couldn't leave her bike where it was, she started moving again, heading over to where he was parked. Aurora and Meaghan knew better than to follow and they chose other discrete locations to disembark.
                  As she approached the car, he got out. She dropped her kickstand, removed her helmet, stood up, crossed her arms, and said nothing. However, seeing him standing there in front of her after all these months, dressed all in black as usual, that confident, yet unassuming expression on his face, she realized she was still in far deeper than she had imagined.
                  He waited until he was right in front of her before he said anything. He didn't intend for it to be a showdown, however, so once he was over the initial breathlessness her presence caused, he simply said, "Hi."
                  Cadence still said nothing. Attempting to ascertain the nature of his visit without asking, she contemplated the possibilities. She could come up with nothing.
    "I was just in the neighborhood," he offered, a sarcastic smirk on his handsome face.
    She snickered, she couldn't help it. Obviously, that was not true. Finally, realizing she would have to actually speak to him eventually, she said, "Did you drive or do you just have a legion of those sitting around?" referring to the car. It appeared to be exactly the same make and model as the one he had driven in Iowa and his preferred vehicle in Kansas City as well.
                  "No, I flew," he confirmed. "It's a good car," he explained. "Fast..."
                  The grin was back. "Absolutely."
    "Why are you here?" she asked, cocking her head to the side and shaking it slowly in disbelief.
                  There were a number of explanations he could have offered, but none of them were easy, and none of them would have been acceptable. Finally, he said, "I'm just here to observe. I promise not to interfere."
                  "Does Cale know?" she asked, thinking her new friend might be very embarrassed to see their boss on site, as if he couldn't handle it himself.
                  "He does now," he replied, nodding in the direction over her shoulder.
                  She turned to see two vehicles pulling in behind them. One was the same BMW from the night before. The other was an Enclave similar to the one she had ridden in with her teammates before. Cale stepped out of the driver's side of the BMW, confusion plastered all over his handsome face. Cadence couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Turning back to Aaron, she said, quietly, "You're an asshole."
                  "It's my job, Cadence," he said, folding his arms, not giving any indication that her comment had affected him at all.
                  She didn't

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