All The Way (The Sarah Kinsely Story - Book #1)

Free All The Way (The Sarah Kinsely Story - Book #1) by C.J. Berry

Book: All The Way (The Sarah Kinsely Story - Book #1) by C.J. Berry Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.J. Berry
Tags: New Adult/Erotic Romance
chest. I held on to it, clung to it like a lifeline. For the first time in my short life the physical sensations matched the emotional that I had felt for someone. I know knew what it meant to actually "make love". What we had just done was so much more than screwing. So much more than sex even. It was intimacy on a deep level.
    I felt tears well up in my eyes. I tried to hold them back, but they came anyways.
    "Are you ok?"
    "Oh God how embarrassing." I wiped my eyes with his sheets.
    "Don't be embarrassed. Never, ever, never be sorry for being yourself"
    He cracked a side smile and snuggled his head on my breasts. I twirled his hair with my finger.
    "That was amazing. You were amazing." He said.
    "You weren't so bad yourself." It is in moments like this that cliche can be useful. Talking was the last thing on my mind.
    "I wish you could stay forever." his pale blue eyes looking up at me.
    The thought was too appealing to even consider. In a moment like this I was apt to agree to such offers and even though the sex had been amazing it wasn't like we were in love. Right?
    “Ugh, I don't want to go to work tomorrow." I said.
    "Blah, me neither. I should probably head over to the restaurant tonight though. I have some stuff I need to get done before we open again on Tuesday and I could use the head start. Why don't we get you un-naked and I will take you to your place."
    "Ok, but let's just lay here for another five minutes."
    We stayed for another hour.

Chapter 11
    Have the best sex of your life with a guy you wouldn't mind taking home to meet the parents? Check.

    I waved goodbye as Aiden pulled away out of my driveway. Once inside my house I plopped down on the couch set diagonal in the middle of my living room. I was completely exhausted from the weekends ferocious activities. Still, I wasn't going to be much use to anyone with boxes still unopened and my house looking like a bomb had gone off. I was trying to be a big girl and everything and Abraams and Snider wasn't about to halt business just because I had amazing sex over the weekend. I had to put on my worker bee pants and figure out how to tackle my unpacking problem.
    To motivate myself I snatched up my laptop and clicked open my favorite Pandora station. Arcade Fire echoed through my bright white kitchen and I danced as I began stacking dishes, imagining Aiden there with me. I imagined him taking me and twirling me through the kitchen as we danced to the music blasting from my speakers.
    Each time a dish clanged I was taken back to that first night in Aiden's restaurant. If only I had known then.
    I was deep in dreamland when my phone buzzed.
    It was Peyton.
    Deets sweety. Don't miss your deadline. :-)
    I smiled. This time I had something to report. Something amazing to report. I thought about texting it in but decided against it. They don't have an emoticon for "pure pleasure". I called. Peyton put me on speaker phone and of course the girls were there.
    We laughed. Lizzy said she was jealous but happy for me. Angela made some comment about his money and a secure future. The thought was nice but I wasn't going to get ahead of myself. At the end of the conversation Peyton said,
    "I'm really happy for you Sarah. The girls and I just wanted to let you know that this weekend was some of the most fun that we have had in a really long time."
    I wanted to reach through my phone and hug them all. Say what you will about "Abraams and Snider" but as long as those three girls were there that place was going to do all right. With people like that you just can't go wrong. I was grateful for them.
    "Oh, and one more thing Sarah. If you screw this up, we are all anxiously waiting to take your place." She and the girls laughed as she hung up the phone. I knew she was kidding but I also knew that there was probably a little truth to what she was saying. I filed the thought in the back of my mind.
    I set my phone down on the counter and turned back to my computer to turn

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