Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe

Book: Monroe, Marla - Their Bartered Bride [Men of the Border Lands 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
before entering her dark tunnel with two fingers. She stiffened up at first, then relaxed and pushed back against his fingers. Slowly, she began to add force to her backward thrusts. Joel tunneled in and out of her sweet cunt until he began to feel his balls draw up with a burning intensity.
    He looked up at Jonathan and nodded. He needed help to send her over into orgasm. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Jonathan grinned and reached down between her legs to find her clit. Joel knew he would take care of her for him. He began to concentrate on holding off his orgasm until she exploded around him. He wanted to feel her tighten around him as her orgasm took her.
    When she suddenly clamped down on him and screamed, he let go and flew with her, pumping her full of his cum as it erupted from his balls into his cock. He slowly withdrew his fingers from her ass while she was still high on coming and waited until she relaxed around him before he withdrew his dick. Then he pulled out and went to clean up in the bathroom while Jonathan soothed her and held her until he got back.
    He expected Jonathan to take her afterward, but she was sound asleep when he got back. Jonathan was rubbing her back. He gently cleaned her up then tossed the cloth and climbed into bed with her.
    “Sorry, Jonathan. I didn’t expect her to pass out afterward.”
    “That’s okay. I’ll get my turn. She took to it fine. That’s all that matters. I can’t wait to take her together.” Jonathan continued to rub her back as if he couldn’t bear not to touch her.
    “You’ve fallen for her, haven’t you?” Joel wasn’t surprised. His brother was the more relaxed of the two of them.
    “Yeah. She means more to me than anything. I want her to be happy, Joel.”
    “I want her to be happy, too. I’ll do everything in my power to make her happy.” Joel didn’t know how he felt about her yet, but he knew she was special to them both.
    “You can’t help but love her, Joel. You’ll see.” Jonathan let his hand rest on the small of her back.
    “Get some sleep, little brother. We have snow coming in. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.”
    He lay there for a long time after he heard Jonathan’s snores. How did he feel about Leigh? He knew he cared about her and she was important to him. Not just because his brother loved her, but because Joel wanted to love her. Maybe he already did. He had never been in love before, so he wasn’t sure what it felt like. Right now, he knew he would be devastated if anything happened to her.
    Just the thought of something happening to her had his heart racing, and his stomach twisted with unease. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her if he could help it. He didn’t like feeling fear and worry. If that was what love was, maybe it would be better if he didn’t fall for her. Someone needed to keep a clear head around her to keep her safe.
    He looked over at her lying flat on her stomach with one hand curled at her chin and the other one under the pillow. Jonathan lay on his side facing her with one hand resting on her lower back just above her ass.
    Joel had the urge to touch her. He wasn’t sure why, but he deliberately resisted. Need was dangerous. Needing her would weaken him, and he had to be strong to keep them all safe. There were hundreds of things out there that could harm them. Besides the uncertainty of the weather and the earth itself, there were the wolves to consider, and other men.
    It was nothing for a man to try and steal another man’s woman for his own. There were black market suppliers, and then there was the new group that enforced the runaway law. Leigh wasn’t a runaway, but if they caught her away from a house, they wouldn’t wait to take her and punish her. The thought of anyone whipping his woman made him angry. He had to make sure she was with one of them at all times when they went to Sky Line.
    Eventually they would need to go. She needed clothes that actually fit her, and they

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