The Mentor (Necessary Lies Book 1)

Free The Mentor (Necessary Lies Book 1) by Alison Ryan

Book: The Mentor (Necessary Lies Book 1) by Alison Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Ryan
look over at his window.
    I opened my eyes and I saw him. Staring at me, like he’d been doing last night.
    And he was naked too.
    This time, he didn’t move. And he stared right into my eyes, a look of manly intensity I had never experienced.
    I wanted him and from what I could see, Nolan definitely wanted me too.
    I stood up to let the cold hit me. I shivered, not sure what do. My breasts ached from the cold, from the need.
    He slowly slid open his door.
    “Camilla,” he commanded. “Come to me. Now.”
    He was beautiful.
    A strange way to describe a man, but it was the best descriptor I could come up with. He was rugged, yes. Chiseled, strong, and sexy. His face was handsome and wise; lines had started forming on his face which just made him that much more desirable. But his eyes were a brilliant kind of hazel, and now that I was close to him, as close as I could ever be, I could see the sadness in them. He looked at me with such deep melancholy that it about broke my heart. What had made him this way?
    He was beautiful and broken and all I wanted was to piece him back together.
    I was hyper aware of my nakedness. I’d never been completely naked physically with a man. My trysts in college had been me with just my jeans pulled down in a hurry, or me under blankets where I couldn’t be fully seen, just felt.
    But in front of Nolan I was stark and helpless. His eyes raked over me, hungry for something that I sensed only I could provide. I couldn’t look at him; I was too busy trying to prevent myself from shaking.
    I was nervous, anxious, excited. I’d never wanted someone or something so bad in all my years of being alive.
    He stepped toward me. His abs were so defined that he didn’t look real. And his cock. It was fully erect, and clearly hungry too. I could feel myself getting wet and it was hard not to reach down and touch myself.
    “Camilla,” he said, his voice stern but also forbearing in its tone. “Why do you torture me?”
    I shook my head, completely confused, “How could I torture you?”
    “I’ve watched you,” he said. “And you knew I was watching. Didn’t you?”
    “I didn’t the first time,” I admitted. “But yes, I knew after that.” My confession brought him closer to me. He was as near to me as he could be without touching me. The way his arousal jutted out in front of him, it would take only a lean, on either of our parts, to brush it up against me. I wanted so much for him to touch me. I was shivering now from desire. My heart beat rang in my ears. My nipples ached. I needed to belong to him. Even if it was just one time. I could live on that one time forever.
    “What do you think that does to a man?” he asked. There was no smile but I could see in his eyes a hint of something that was less serious. His cock hovered centimeters from me. All I wanted was to open my legs and give myself to him, but I didn’t know what he wanted and the thought of him rejecting me or even teasing me made me terrified to take a chance.
    Even if we were both naked and clearly in heat.
    “I don’t know,” I whispered. “I don’t know much about that kind of thing.”
    Nolan laughed, a kind hearted chuckle, “Right. It looked like you knew exactly what you were doing.”
    With the back of his hand, he reached out and grazed my left nipple, causing me to suck in a breath. I could have come right then.
    “I didn’t,” I pleaded. “I just… I saw you naked coming out of the shower. Not on purpose. I swear. But ever since then, I can’t stop thinking about you.” I looked away, embarrassed. “I couldn’t stop wanting to touch you. Or imagine what it would be like…” My sentence trailed off.
    His reply confused me, which must have been evident in the quizzical look I gave him.
    “Finish your sentence. Imagine what what would be like ?
    Shame burned my cheeks. “I… I can’t say it… please, Nolan.”
    “For me to fuck you?” he asked. “Is that

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