Silver Mage (Book 2)

Free Silver Mage (Book 2) by D.W. Jackson

Book: Silver Mage (Book 2) by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
ensure your and master Elyse’s safety.”
    Bren knew better than to argue with Cass when he was in guard mode. He would have a better chance of convincing a frog that it could fly.
    “Let the masters know that we are here and don’t expect to be left waiting all day,” Bren said, trying to mimic Cass’s voice when he approached the small desk at the base of the stairs. He didn’t wait for a response, he simply walked past the desk and continued up the stairs.
    Only one tower guard tried to stop them as they advanced to the council chambers, but Cass’s stern glare and half drawn sword quickly changed his mind. When they reached the large double doors to the council chambers Bren didn’t want to wait, but he knew that busting in would only cause problems later. Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait long before they were admitted inside. Apparently the council was still in session from receiving Elyse’s report on the Brotherhood’s movements.
    “Majesty, we didn’t expect for your visit to come so swiftly,” Sae-Thae said as soon as Bren and his guards entered the room.
    “Why have you brought a small army into this chamber?” Master Turneal asked, half standing from his seat.
    “I ordered my guards to stay below, but they refused the orders. It would seem that while I have some faith in the council, they do not, seeing how last time I was unoccupied, I was thrown into the dungeon and nearly killed by the Brotherhood.”
    Master Turneal didn’t respond, but the look on his face clearly stated his complaints clearly. “We have learned that you have received news from King Killian about the brotherhood as well as a request to host the members of the other royal houses in a meeting here in Torin. Elyse also said that while it was not stated, you would be more than willing to allow the council to attend as well. Is that true?” Sae-Thae asked his voice calm, but each word held a small bight to them.
    “Most of that is accurate Master, but I can only rightly ask for one to accompany during the meeting. I am merely being asked to host and as I do not have as much power or presence as the other houses, it would be deemed rude to ask for more,” Bren said, watching the eyes of the other masters closely. Turneal wasn’t happy, but the rest seemed to understand his predicament.
    “I guess that is the best we can hope for under those conditions,” Sae-Thae said, sounding disappointed. “Now on to the matter of the people. It has become quite clear that they have already learned of this news. May I ask if you know the source that spread the news?”
    “The source of the rumor is unknown to me, but if we learn that it was one of my own, then I can promise you that they would not be let off lightly,” Bren declared.
    “I don’t think there will be a need for that,” master Carnear said with a thin smile. “When information like this is spread, punishing the person responsible usually only leads to more troubles. What we need to do now is decide how we should address the situation.”
    “That is easy enough, we should simply let them know what we know, and that we will do everything in our power to keep them safe,” Turneal said as if it was the only answer.
    “I agree with Master Turneal,” Bren said, the words feeling heavy and rotten as they came out of his mouth. “I believe it would be best if a few members of the council, as well as myself, let the people know what is happening. I think this is the perfect time to show them, no matter our differences, we will stand together to protect them when it is needed. I believe it would also be best to do this today. There is already a large number of people gathered outside and the longer we take, the more restless the people will become.”
    “I believe that is an excellent idea,” Sae-Thae said quickly, before Master Turneal could voice his obvious objections.
    “Master Turneal, Master Rouma, would you be so kind as to accompany his majesty while he

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