One Desert Night
realised she should probably retrace her steps in case she was intruding on someone's peaceful contemplation. It was a woman—a young, elfin-faced woman—with the prettiest brown eyes and yet perhaps the saddest expression Gina had ever seen.
    'Who are you?' the woman asked, first in her own language and then, when Gina didn't immediately respond, in English.
    'I'm so sorry if I disturbed you. I'm Dr Gina Collins, and I'm here to help make an inventory of the palace artefacts for His Highness.' She bit her lip after this announcement, feeling more than just slightly guilty as she did as directed and supplied her alleged reason for being there.
    'My brother did not tell me he intended to make such an inventory.'
    'Forgive me…your
    'I am Farida, and the Sheikh of Kabuyadir is my brother…although lately he is becoming more and more like a stranger to me.'
    This was followed by a heavily troubled sigh. Standing stock still, Gina half expected to be waved away and told not to intrude on this particular part of the garden again. But to her surprise, Farida turned up her face and smiled.
    'It is nice to see another young woman about the place—someone from England, too. Zahir and I both went to university there—did you know that?'
    Feeling a jolt of surprise, Gina shook her head. 'I didn't. Where did you study?'
    'We both went to Oxford—he to Pembroke College, to study politics and economics, and me to Lady Margaret Hall to study English and modern languages.'
    'You're clearly both very bright. I'm afraid my grades weren't good enough to get me to Oxford.'
    'Zahir's mind is like a rapier. Mine is a little slower, but I get there eventually.'
    'And you liked it at Oxford?'
    'It is a fascinating city. Full of stunning architecture and history and learning and all the things I love—especially books. I was always the family bookworm. Whatever the time of day, I could usually be found with my head in some fascinating tome even before I went up to Oxford. But all that changed when I met Azhar—' Her words trailed off, her expression became subdued, and she was clearly lost in thought again.
    Gina's heart squeezed tight as she remembered Zahir telling her that Farida's husband Azhar had died in a car accident. She was so young…too
to be a widow.
    Before she'd realised her intention, she dropped down onto the bench beside her. 'Azhar was your husband?' she said gently.
    Farida nodded sadly. 'He was the love of my life. I have been so lost since he died. I don't really know what to do with my life any more. I don't believe I have anything left to offer anyone—even the brother I have always adored. Everything just seems futile.'
    'For a long time after he lost my mother, my father told me he felt like that, too. His method of coping with his grief was to lock himself away in the house and bury himself in his work. I didn't really know how strongly he felt about her until recently. Their marriage always seemed more of a pragmatic arrangement than anything else. I honestly thought that their relationship was more a meeting of minds than hearts. But lately—lately I've started to believe I was wrong about that.'
    Farida's soft brown gaze studied Gina for a long time before she finally spoke. 'I believe that love is everything…that no relationship or marriage can survive for long without it.'
    'And I believe that true love can never die. Wherever your beloved Azhar is now, he watches over you and only wants the best for you. I firmly believe that he would want you to enjoy the rest of your life and live it to the full, with his blessing.'
    To Gina's surprise, the other woman laid her hand over hers. 'Thank you, Gina. I may call you that? You have said something very important to me that will help me sleep a little easier tonight. How long do you stay in Kabuyadir?'
    She flushed a little. A buzzing insect flew by her ear and she brushed it away. 'I'm not sure. It depends how long the work I've been hired to do

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