Bound to the Prince
    “Beg me,” he said, breathing heavily in the
    Igraine moaned, shamelessly opening her legs
for him. His hand traveled deeper, over her belly, right down to
the place where she needed him so much. She screamed when he
touched her gently, opening the soft swollen lips with his long
fingers, stroking, exploring. He found the little pearl hidden
between the wet folds and caressed it ever so slowly, making her
heart stop for a moment before she began to shake violently. Then
he let one finger slide into her, probing her. Igraine lifted
herself up from the table to meet his hand. Elathan chuckled
deeply. “You are ready for me,” he said. “Beg me, wench, and I
might give you what you need.”
    Igraine didn’t give a damn about her pride
right now. “Please,” she breathed desperately, “please…“ She nearly
spoke out his name, but became aware that he had forbidden it.
“Master. Take me.”
    Elathan moved so quickly she couldn’t sense
him coming to her. His trousers suddenly gone, he pressed his hard
shaft to her moist, aching womanhood. Igraine threw her head back,
sighing with pleasure when she felt him pulsating against her
wetness. And he was huge, probably too much for her body to take.
But she didn’t care if he ripped her apart, as long as he loved her
right now.
    She waited for him to enter her. To her
surprise, the elf took hold of her hips with both hands and pushed
her down on the hard table so she couldn’t lift her lower body to
meet him. Slowly rubbing his arousal up and down between her silken
folds, he caressed her tiny pearl every time he moved until both of
them groaned with desire. Igraine buried her face into his neck,
kissing and licking the delicious notch she had tasted before at
the base of his throat. It made him ride her even faster, playing
her body with expert knowledge until she ran her nails down his
back, whimpering for more. Tears of frustration streamed over her
face. The only thing she wanted was to have him inside her body,
filling her painful emptiness.
    But he continued mercilessly, sliding up and
down, up and down again, always stopping at the brink of her
release. Just when Igraine thought she could take no more, tiny
stars exploded behind her eyes. Crying out, she was lifted up into
the heavens, flying, before she slowly drifted back into reality.
Elathan held her tight in his arms, whispering soothing words in
his elven tongue to her. She hardly noticed that the prince had not
found his own relief. Her entire body was still shaking with
aftershocks, trembling violently.
    Elathan picked up her limp, naked body and
carried her back through the cave to her bed, gently laying her
down. Igraine was so exhausted that she drifted into sleep almost
instantly. The last thing she heard was Elathan’s deep voice
speaking to her.
    “Sleep well, human. On the morrow you will
continue your training, but you'll also learn how to serve your
prince properly. You will be allowed to enter my chambers for the
first time. I want you to bathe me.”

    Chapter 6: The Prince
by the Lake
    The next morning brought not only a very hard
training for Igraine, but an even harder one for Elathan. As the
prince introduced Igraine into the basics of sword fighting, it was
nearly unbearable for him to hold back. He simply wanted to grab
her and pin her against the wall with his body. The mere thought of
entering her, thrusting into her welcoming depths made him harden
with desire. To keep himself distracted, Elathan had already spent
several hours in another cave, running and jumping, whirling his
sword and spear around until he knelt on the floor, totally
    His muscular chest gleamed with sweat while
he breathed heavily, trying to regain some strength. When he bowed
his head and closed his eyes, his moist long hair fell forward over
his face and shoulders until it nearly touched the floor. He
groaned as he realized that even the hardest physical exercise

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