Death By Drowning

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Book: Death By Drowning by Abigail Keam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Keam
where my Henry Faulkners went.” I was quiet for a moment. “So Shaneika’s $200,000 is . . .”
    “Gone,” stated Matt. “You have your retirement fund intact and your emergency $16,000. Everything else went back into the farm, but you are debt free.”
    “Except for the medical bills, which are going to be out of this world,” I sighed.
    “The farm was falling apart. Your daughter didn’t know if you would be able to come back, so her decision was based on the need to sell. In the beginning, the doctors were not hopeful . . .” He stopped and stared. It was a moment or two before he collected himself. “This way you will be able to get top dollar if you decide to pull out.”
    “I’m not criticizing, Matt. The place looks wonderful. I know it was touch and go there for a while.” I squeezed his hand. “I know how far I’ve come and I know how far I’ve yet to go. No, this is going to be a long process. It’s just that . . . how am I going to have money to live on – to pay the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker?”
    “I have a plan.”
    “You do?” I asked hopefully.
    “ Architectural Digest did not cancel. They came and photographed while you were in Key West. I gave them some old pictures of you and Brannon that will accompany the piece also announcing that the Butterfly is open for tours.”
    I started to object. I didn’t like the idea of strangers gawking at my personal things.
    “Now hear me out first. The tours are open only two days a week. Once visitors are done here, they visit Lady Elsmere’s farm where she has built a gift shop to part them from their hard-earned cash. They can buy all sorts of trinkets with pictures of the Butterfly and Brannon’s other successes imprinted. Lady Elsmere is going to split the proceeds with you fifty-fifty after expenses and also Charles’ daughters will be the tour guides. You don’t have to lift a finger. Cody has also worked out the security problems with them, so we don’t need worry about that angle.”
    “Does June need money?”
    “She’s rich as Midas. Lady Elsmere is doing this for enjoyment as well as a tax write-off. She thinks you plunging off that cliff was the most exciting thing that has happened for a long time and she going to make a killing off it – no pun intended.”
    “Jeeez. Sounds like that old bat.”
    “Number two. You are going raise the price of your honey. Everyone will buy because they’ll be coming to take a gander at you. They will be willing to pay the honey price. I calculate that you might make $10,000 more this year from honey sales.
    “Number three. Shaneika arranged for some of her buddies to board their horses here. You’ve got plenty of room and Charles’ grandsons have agreed to take care of the horses.
    “Number four. I’m going to start paying rent on the cottage.”
    “No, you’re not. I’m going to put my foot down on that. Absolutely not. I mean it, Matt. Besides who paid for the materials to fix that pig’s shed?”
    Matt remained silent.
    “I thought so. Gather all the receipts and when I get money from the city, I’ll settle up with you. You’re not going to pay for fixing up that broken-down excuse of a cottage. Besides, I don’t think you’ll be here for much longer if Franklin has his way.”
    “Is he on that rag again?” A bee settled on Matt’s face. He wiped it impatiently away.
    “Let’s move the cart. You’ve set off her attack pheromones.” Once a bee is hit, she releases chemicals that tell other bees she has been attacked and they come to help her.
    Matt maneuvered the cart while raving. “Franklin wants to live in the city. He likes to eat out every night. I don’t. By the time work is finished, I’m sick of Lexington. The drive to the farm relaxes me, and just being where there is no noise is calming. Besides, I’m not ready to settle down. I want to give my career at least two more years before taking the plunge, but Franklin will not quit pestering

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