The Path of Decisions

Free The Path of Decisions by Mike Shelton

Book: The Path of Decisions by Mike Shelton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Shelton
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy
they got some concessions. The King, with
men in Denir and Belor, couldn’t spare many men to stop Christine and her band
of crusaders. Many of the farmers did not agree with her methods, but when
pressed for names from the guards, the other farmers held their tongue and
protected their fellow farmers.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Thomas, Karel, Anya, and Stephanie were together one evening
discussing Christine and what they knew she was doing. Anya leaned against
Thomas, who leaned against a wall next to the stone fireplace in his small farm
home. Stephanie and Karel sat in two wooden chairs next to the hearth. They
held their hands toward the small fire, warming them from the early spring
chill hanging in the evening air. No one spoke at the moment. The fire seemed
to consume their attention. A loud pop sent a spark onto the floor, jarring
Thomas from his thoughts.
    “We need to stop her. That’s all there is to it. I know she was
our friend. But this has gone on too long. Someone could get hurt. She could
get hurt.”
    “We've been through this over and over Thomas,” said Karel. “What
can we do?”
    “Remember when she used to talk about freedom through peace?”
reminisced Stephanie. “Now she won’t have anything to do with anything
peaceful. She is making things worse for the farmlands.”
    “She even looks sick,” Karel continued. “I think Jain was right
when he said it’s just not Christine anymore. Something snapped in her.”
    “She won't even talk to me,” added Anya. “We used to be best
friends. I’ve known her most of my life. I want to help her.” Anya put her face
into her hands. “But I can’t stand being around her right now.”
    The talk continued, going over and over what they had already
discussed time and time again. Something had to be done, but they didn't know
what. When it came down to it, she was still their friend, but she wouldn't
listen to them or anything reasonable. Finally, Thomas stood up.
    “I don't care if she is our friend. This has gotten out of
control. The King’s army will in all certainty march into the farmlands and
take what they want as soon as they return from the other cities. As her
friends, it is up to us to stop her. I have a plan, but we will need Jain’s
help too.” The group of friends moved closer together as Thomas started
explaining his idea. As he did so, one by one, frowns covered the faces in the
small room.

Chapter 7
    T he sun shone the day after Darius and Kelln’s reunion, promising
warmer weather. Darius and his unit of the Elite Army, along with the captured
Belorian soldiers, faced the task of trying to cross the Black River. It had
swollen with the recent storm, and the water raged with small white caps as it
bounced off rocks and fallen trees. A group of soldiers spent the first part of
the morning scouting up and down the river for the best spot to cross. A few
miles downriver, closer to the Gildanian swamp that bordered the Realm’s
southern neighbor, they found a place where the river seemed to be narrower and
less rough. Darius had two men take a rope across on horseback to the other
bank. The men struggled but were able to cross with the help of the Belorians’
strong horses. The men tied the rope to a sturdy pine on each side of the
river. This would give something for them to hold on to as they crossed through
the chilling water.
    The water was a numbing cold and would send them into hypothermia
if they did not get warm on the other side. The first soldiers to cross had the
task of starting a fire and setting up the tents. One by one they crossed—
Darius waiting until the last. The prisoners were escorted across first; then
two of the captains helped Leandra and Alastair. Only Alessandra, Kelln, Mezar,
and Darius were left. Alessandra and Kelln began to walk across the waist-high
    In front of Kelln, Darius watched Alessandra stumble. One arm came
off the rope as the raging current

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