
Free Enchanted by Judith Leger

Book: Enchanted by Judith Leger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judith Leger
why she chose you to help her,” Rhys added, his expression hard and unforgiving. “Enough of the past. When will you attempt to reach Caitlyn?”
    Shay turned and stared out the window. The landscape sped by without him seeing it, a blur of dull greens and blacks with the brighter lights reflecting off metal. “Tonight. When we are on the plane.”
    “Will the distance affect you?”
    “No. I touched her, and I placed a spell on her which will keep her from changing her mind about coming to me. No matter what happens tonight,” Shay replied with a smile.
    He didn’t know all the details of how he would go to her, but he had to try. Perhaps through the television, radio. Any form of electric equipment would work, as long as it brought him into her mind. Once her consciousness focused on him, he would call her to him, and his mission would start.

    Chapter 9
    Caitlyn inserted Shay Evers’s newest DVD into her player. She didn’t want to watch the video after seeing him in person, but needed to for reference. Tonight’s show gave her some insight on how he worked, but she needed more. Remote in hand, she moved to the burgundy-colored sofa and sat, curling her legs under her. The soft fleece material of her pajamas soothed her skin, warming her against the loft apartment’s constant chill.
    Two hours after leaving the party, exhaustion still gripped her. After arriving home, she’d taken a long hot soak in the tub, but it had done little to relieve the tension running through her body. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Releasing the air in slow degree, she reminded herself once more how much she wanted to do this interview.
    All of the magazine covers, televisions, and billboards with his face on them were nothing but coincidences. Just as if she’d bought a red car, and boom! , all of a sudden there was a red car on every street corner. As famous as he was, it was normal to see all those things a lot. They hadn’t increased in numbers since this morning. She was just more aware of them after receiving this assignment.
    Meeting Shay tonight had thrown off her usual equilibrium. He had baited her on purpose in order to test her. That meant he doubted she was ready for the publicity ahead of her. She cared little for the method he used, but at least she knew he wasn’t a total jerk.
    Soft guitar notes drifted from the television. Caitlyn focused on the picture and smiled. She liked this song. Calmness drifted over her, saturating her mind and relieving aching muscles.
    On the television screen, Evers strode toward the camera. When he began to perform his illusion, she felt as though she were a part of the act. Her pulse quickened, and she shifted on the sofa, so focused on the man performing, her apartment faded from her awareness, until nothing existed but Shay.
    The act ended. She sat on the edge of the sofa with her fingertips pressed against her lips. She jerked upright and stood. What had just happened? The entire performance was lost to her. As she strained to remember the video’s details, she could only see Shay and his penetrating gaze.
    “This is nuts,” she muttered, heading to the kitchen. A tall glass of ice water would definitely cool the sudden heat stifling her senses.
    Feeling a little better, she returned to the sofa with her drink and settled down again to finish viewing the DVD.
    After an hour, numbness started in the tips of her toes and moved up her body. The longer she watched the DVD, her eyelids drooped, heavy with sleep. She slid a throw pillow beneath her head and stretched out, fighting to stay awake. She accepted defeat, removed her glasses and shut her eyes.
    * * * *
    Caitlyn opened her eyes. Her exhaustion had evaporated. Still lying with her head on the pillow, she gazed about. Deep purple midnight surrounded her. Stars twinkled everywhere. Sitting up, she blinked at their brilliance.
    “I’m dreaming,” she whispered. “But it’s so real.”
    She lifted her

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