Losing Angeline: London Calling Book Two

Free Losing Angeline: London Calling Book Two by Kat Faitour

Book: Losing Angeline: London Calling Book Two by Kat Faitour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Faitour
Tags: romantic suspense
between them. Telling John would lay her bare, exposing her most intimate disgrace. He’d never look at her the same.
    “You’re not giving him enough credit, Angeline. I know John Sinclair, have for most of our lives.”
    Angeline sat, determination carving her features into resolute granite. “Patrick, you have to promise. If you don’t, I’ll leave right now.”
    He sighed, giving in to her. “I promise. But—”
    “No buts, Patrick. Never . Say you’ll never tell.”  
    At his hesitation, she began gathering her things.  
    He rolled his shoulders, impatience making his voice sharp. “Stop. Sit back down, Angeline. I promise to never tell John.” At her visible relief, he tacked on, “But you have to promise you’ll reconsider telling him yourself.”
    “I’ll think about it. But I won’t change my mind, Patrick. I couldn’t.”
    “Maybe not today, but someday. I’ll settle for that. Now go on with your story. I assume it’s this teacher,” his tone was loaded with scorn, “that’s come here and found you?”
    Relief and reluctance warred inside her, making her slightly lightheaded. “Yes.” Her voice was faint, and she cleared her throat. Stronger, she said, “Yes. It’s him.”
    Patrick stood, surprising her. He gathered the plates and cups from their table. “Take a deep breath, I’m going to get us more coffee. And when I get back, you can tell me the rest, all of it. Don’t leave out any details you can recall about this man.”
    Angeline nodded, glad of the brief reprieve so she could collect herself. “Okay.”
    “Good.” Patrick walked off to get back into line.
    Angeline breathed deeply, oddly more at ease. The worst was over; she’d begun a conversation that had been locked inside her for years. She’d never told anyone about Edward Pierce.  
    She would do so now, because her family’s happiness overrode her reluctance to reveal the darkened corners of her earlier years. And while she would share every detail she could remember about the man who’d spoiled her youth and betrayed her trust, she would hold back her own tortured confessions. Patrick Martin was a man of his word and she would trust him with her confidences. But no one could know her own culpability in what had happened to her.  
    She could barely face the truth herself.
    Angeline lived on nerves and stress for the next six days. Edward hadn’t made another appearance, but she could feel his nearness, a palpable malevolence hiding in the shadows. There had been no private contact from Patrick either, although she and John had dinner with him and Alice two nights ago.
    Angeline and John arrived earlier than the other couple, so they’d taken seats at the restaurant’s bar for an aperitif before dinner. Alice had walked in first, hugging John then Angeline in quick succession. Her embrace lasted a little longer than usual, Angeline thought, and her eyes were suspiciously moist when she pulled away.
    Patrick had told her everything, Angeline knew it. She’d begged him to keep her secrets, and he’d stated he would keep his promise and never say a word to John. But he wasn’t in the habit of keeping secrets from his wife, and he wouldn’t be starting now. He assured her Alice would understand, and it was apparent he’d been right. Alice conveyed her friendship and love, sending unspoken yet strong support throughout the evening.
    Maybe Angeline was wrong. Perhaps she’d inflated the errors and mistakes of her past beyond rational logic. After all, she had been so young, too innocent and vulnerable to be fully accountable for her actions. But the thought of confessing her lies was beyond her.
    No, she would see this through, counting on Patrick to find the weakness in her opponent’s armor.
    Patrick was a wizard with the Internet. He fully embraced the latest technologies, always looking for new ways to expand their business. He immersed himself in chat rooms and online communities, learning all he

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