The Strange Healing

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Book: The Strange Healing by Misty Malone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Malone
sick.  Mom's was totally unexpected.”
    Heath spent several minutes running his fingers through her hair and gently massaging her arms and back.  He felt he had to ask, though, “Sara, you told me this story when I asked if anything else had happened that was your fault.  Nothing about what you've told me was in any way your fault, so I'm confused.”
    “Yes, it was, Heath.  When I was back in town after the funeral, I heard two ladies talking at the supermarket.  They were talking about Mom, and how awful it was that her only daughter ran out on her when she was alone and needed her most.”  She was crying now as she said, “They said if I would have stayed closer to home so I could help her like I should have the accident would never have happened.”
    “ Oh, Sara, no, no, no, no.  How long had your mother been driving a car?”
    “ What?  She'd always driven a car.”
    “ What caused the accident?”
    “ A guy pulled out in front of her.”
    “ So it wasn't her fault?”
    “ No, but if I wouldn't have moved out of the house I probably would have made that errand for her.”
    Heath was flabbergasted.  How could Sara blame herself for all these things?  He spent the next two hours talking to her about blame and where it belongs.  He asked enough questions and listened carefully to her answers, until he finally understood what she'd been dealing with.  But now that he knew what the problem was, he wanted some time to consider how to tackle it.
    After their three-hour marathon talk, Heath was happy to note that Sara looked more relaxed than she'd been since he'd met her.  He suggested, “Sara, I don't know about you, but I'm starving.  How about some dinner?” 
    She smiled “Dinner sounds terrific.  I didn't realize how hungry I am until you said something.  Now I'm hungry, too.”
    “Do you feel like going out somewhere, or would you rather I fix us something here?”
    She reached out and grasped his shirt and said, “I don't want to go out anywhere, and I'm sorry, this is being really selfish, but could we maybe hold off a bit longer?  I'm not ready to move yet.  I want to stay right here.”
    Heath was smiling when he looked down at her and asked, “Comfortable right here, are you?”
    She actually looked a little embarrassed when she answered.  “Yes, very.  But that's being selfish, I know.  I'm probably really heavy, and you're hungry.  I'm sorry.”
    She made a move to get up, but he tightened his hold on her and kept her right where she was.  “I'm awfully comfortable right now, too.  And just so you know, you, young lady, are not in the least bit heavy.”  He looked at her with a mock scowl on his face and was glad to see her smile at him, which he quickly returned.
    “ I have an idea,” he said, taking out his phone.  “Would you rather have Chinese, pizza, or big old-fashioned hamburgers with home-made fries?  Those are the three places around here that deliver.”  Looking a tad ashamed, he added, “And they're all three on speed dial.”
    Sara looked at him and laughed.  “Well then, let me ask your expert advice.  I love good Chinese food.  How's theirs?”
    “Excellent,” he said quickly, “and if I were to choose tonight that would be my choice, but don't let me influence your decision.”  She couldn't help but chuckle at the look on his face.
    “ Then Chinese it is.  I love cashew chicken or chicken lo mein, whichever you think would be better.”
    “ Excellent choices.”  Heath quickly dialed and placed an order she knew they'd never be able to eat all of, and put his phone on the end table.  Pulling her closer and leaning back into the couch again, laying her head back on his chest, he said, “Now, I believe we were somewhat like this?”  He casually ran his hand through her hair and down her back, relishing the way she seemed to settle in against him.
    He was concerned about her, and glad she felt so comfortable with him after revealing

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