Stolen Hearts: Book 1 (Grim's Labyrinth Series)

Free Stolen Hearts: Book 1 (Grim's Labyrinth Series) by Ariana Gael, Grim's Labyrinth Publishing

Book: Stolen Hearts: Book 1 (Grim's Labyrinth Series) by Ariana Gael, Grim's Labyrinth Publishing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ariana Gael, Grim's Labyrinth Publishing
Tags: General Fiction
council was long known for.
    The council members gathered together to huddle and whisper, each fighting for what was needed. Several of them had far too much at stake to let Faydra go, and they argued vehemently for her guilt. Each of them looked to Rageeb from time to time to make sure he took notice of their work on his behalf, eager to please him and get their loved ones back. He paid them no attention, his focus locked on watching Faydra’s face for any sign of remorse or—better yet—suffering and fear.
    Watching her plead for her life would be the highlight of his crusade against her, leaving her actual sentencing to be almost anticlimactic in the face of enjoying her suffering. Her death would be a wonderful and well-deserved end to the pain and humiliation she’d cost him when she left, but these moments of uncertainty had to be almost as agonizing for her as actually dying. And he loved every minute of it.
    The tenor of the discussion grew in intensity, rising like a tidal wave of mixed emotions. Those who heard the truth of Faydra’s words battled against those who had a vested interest in her demise, whether they meant to or not.
    While the group debated and Rageeb looked on entertained, Faydra kept her head held high and her back straight, determined not to live her last few minutes on earth wringing her hands or hanging her head in shame. She had done what was required of her, and anyone who wanted to question her motives or her loyalty would think what he will. She was not going to let anyone have the satisfaction of seeing her in shame.
    “We’ve reached a decision,” a council member said, stepping forward with a grim look on his face.

Chapter 13
    Jessica froze after Conlan was hauled away, but she didn’t have enough time to process what had just happened before the door opened again and more armed guards entered the room that now seemed much too small. They grabbed her by the arms and began to half-carry, half-drag her towards the door. She fought as best she could, screaming pointlessly for someone to help her, and was only quieted by the full force of a guard’s baton taking out the back of her legs. She collapsed to the floor in a jumbled heap and was hauled back up beneath her arms and dragged towards the door, her legs following along behind her body limply.
    They moved down the dark hallway, but it was too hard for Jessica to see anything other than the floor beneath her. A cold sensation that crept up from her ankles told her she’d been dragged through something wet, hopefully no more sinister than plain water.
    A wet, stone hallway…
    Jessica strained to lift her head to look forward, knowing in her gut what she’d see before she ever got there. The dot of white light ahead, growing larger as they raced towards it, mocked her hurt. She knew all too well what waited for her on the other side of that door… the woman on the table, the hisses urging her to finish it, the dead eyes that would fly open. It was the dream all over again, only she knew this time she was awake. And there was no one coming to save her.
    She struggled to dig her toes into the stone floor and push away from her captors, but they were too strong for her. The ends of her shoes dug painfully into her toenails as she fought anyway.
    Too soon, they halted in front of the door. Jessica almost fell on her face as they released their hold on her, clearly expecting her to move forward through her dream scenario on her own. She took her time standing up, knowing that as soon as she did they would force her to open the door. When she finally stood up, aided by their overeager efforts to get the job done, Jessica turned to face the guards.
    “I’m not going in there,” she announced in a shaky voice that lacked any confidence.
    “You don’t have a choice,” one faceless guard replied from inside his helmet. The other guard turned the doorknob and pushed the door open while the first one placed a hand on Jessica’s

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