A Love to Treasure (Sunriver Dreams Book 1)

Free A Love to Treasure (Sunriver Dreams Book 1) by Kimberly Rose Johnson

Book: A Love to Treasure (Sunriver Dreams Book 1) by Kimberly Rose Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Rose Johnson
Tags: Sunriver Dreams Book One
shifted to face her. “I saw Connor out at the river.”
    “How was he? I hope he wasn’t upset with me.”
    “He seemed as happy as any boy would be when the fish aren’t biting.” He shot her a grin. “He asked about you.”
    “Yeah. I probably should’ve kept my promise to him. It would have been a lot more comfortable sitting on the bank of the river, but I knew he’d have questions, and honestly I couldn’t deal with that today.”
    He nodded. “I don’t think he’ll bother you too much. I told him as much as I could and that seemed like enough. He said if I saw you to tell you thanks.”
    “For what?”
    “He said you’d know.”
    She shrugged. “I have no idea. I bought him an ice cream cone earlier. Maybe that was it.”
    “Maybe, but I think it had more to do with you taking an interest in spending time with him. I could tell he appreciated it.”
    His words eased her mind. “Thanks. Sarah is really concerned about him, and I wanted to do something to help. I wish it’d been more, but I guess the summer has just started, so there’s time.”
    “There is at that. Where did they move you to?”
    She rolled her eyes. “Nowhere. Can you believe the owner is gifting the place to me? I’d have to pay rent for another house or go home. A letter from Grams convinced me to stay. Plus, I had an interesting project drop in my lap.” She told him about the room makeover.
    “That’s different. I’m glad you’ll have something to distract you. I know what happened today really shook you up.” He paused, looking at her, his brown eyes probing. “How’re you doing?”
    “Fine.” She shifted, avoiding his gaze. She liked Mark, but he unnerved her at times. Like he could read her mind or something.
    “Really? Most people don’t sit in the village for half a day to read a book. You sure there’s nothing you want to talk about?”
    She sighed and set the novel aside. “I’m afraid to go back to the house.” There. She’d said it. Truth was, when the woman at the property management office told her not to go back for a couple of hours it was a relief. Although staying away the entire afternoon had not been the plan.
    He nodded. “I thought as much. I could check the place out before you go inside.”
    She blinked and nodded quickly. “Yes. I’d like that very much. How about I grab a couple of steaks from the grocery store and make us dinner? Unless you’re a vegetarian. Then I could whip up eggplant parmesan or whatever you’d like.” Oh please say you’ll stay . She did not want to be alone in that house.
    “Sounds great. I’m a steak kind of man. I’d actually stopped in the village on my way home from work to pick up groceries then noticed you on my way out.” He held up a cloth shopping bag. “I can meet you at your place in say--thirty minutes. Will that give you enough time to shop?”
    “Sounds about right.” She bit her bottom lip. Could she stretch her shopping, so she didn’t beat him to the house?
    “All right then. Wait for me in the driveway.” He strode toward the parking lot without looking back.
    Nicole stood and tucked the book inside her purse before heading across the patio and inside the grocery store. The store was a mass of bodies and carts. She pushed a small cart along an aisle, tossing things in that she needed, then headed to the meat section and picked out two T-bone steaks. She wheeled her way through the throng of people to the produce section where fresh vegetables in various colors tempted her—she loved veggies. Salad and baked potatoes—sudden hunger made her mouth water at the thought. Ice cream finished off the list. Loaded with several bags she trudged to her car. Warm air whooshed out and smacked her in the face as she slid in.
    She’d invited Mark for dinner. She already regretted the invitation. She wasn’t exactly the greatest hostess. Her ex-boyfriend had made it abundantly clear he thought her inept in the relationship department. But

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