Breed   The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
said, “It’s Rizzo.” Niccolo continued, “Yes, take comrade Rizzo and
get him something to eat while Christopher and I get better
acquainted.” The dog looked at Rizzo then back at Niccolo. “Of
course. Follow me comrade,” said the dog upon turning and heading
back to the hallway from which he came. Reluctantly Rizzo followed
disappearing into the darkness. After watching my friend depart I
then looked up to see Niccolo standing in front of me. He appeared
larger than life. What stood out to me most about this cat was his
fur. He had a double coat. The slight breeze that passed through
the room revealed a soft downy undercoat that was protected by soft
guard hairs. These were blue colored with silver tips which gave
his coat a shimmering appearance. He was a breed of cat that I had
never seen before. He looked like royalty and stood with perfect
posture. I couldn’t help but imagine him sitting on a throne. The
only characteristic bringing this cat down to earth was the long
whiskers jutting out of his face in all directions that were
unusually braided together at the ends. This along with the way he
addressed Niccolo “however is not as interesting as what you did.
The others, Rizzo and the rest of this pack of feral cats that you
now lead think you are special because of your appearance. But they
are wrong. Your appearance is that of an ordinary house cat.” My
eyes widened and a tremor of fear swept through my body. Niccolo
continued, “Yes a house cat but by no means ordinary. Tell me, what
was going through your mind as you faced his subordinates as
comrade gave him a bohemian quality. Niccolo also had large dark
and vivid green eyes that were now locked on my eyes. “You look as
though you have some questions?” said Niccolo. “Please feel free to
ask me whatever you want. I want for us to become friends.” I
shuffled my paws a little then spoke up. “How do you know who I
am?” Niccolo smiled. “I make it my business to know what goes on in
all of the territories. Socrates has spies everywhere just like
Zarathustra.” Niccolo squinted his eyes a little as if to see if
the name Zarathustra registered with me. “Who you are,” continued
down that dog?” “My mind?”  I repeated in a trembling voice.
“Yes, most cats who live in the scattered territories not only
would never attempt to speak to a dog but it would never occur to
them to try. Although domesticated, most cats view dogs as lower
beings without the capacity to reason. So why would a house cat
that I assume has not been exposed to stray dogs or other wild
animals suddenly reach out across species to reason with a dog?” I
was not sure of how to answer so I just looked down at the floor.
“Can I make a suggestion?” asked Niccolo. “I believe you acted in
this way out of instinct. You analyzed quickly that what you share
in common with that dog, far outweighs the differences between you
two. You then made a decision based upon this. You realized that
despite your pampered upbringing, now the both of you are in the
same boat. You both have to scrounge for food in the wilderness
while other animals have excess. This is the only real difference
that matters.” Niccolo looked at me with a great intensity in his
eyes and said, “Do you realize that in reality there are only two
species? I saw your reaction when I identified you as a house cat.
You don’t have to be ashamed about your past. We all reach a point
in our lives when we have to make a decision about which species we
belong to.” I was confused and I’m certain that it registered on my
face. “I don’t understand,” I said. “What do you mean only two
species? Since I arrived in this new world I’ve come into contact
with many different animals and even among them there are various
breeds.” The older cat looked down at me sympathetically and said,
“I know it’s hard for you to understand, but in time you will see
what I mean. Socrates thinks you are not

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