Breed   The Secret Design To Maintain Racial Inequality Among The Despised Classes
This raccoon
looked familiar. Smiling he looked up at me and waved. He said in a
raised voice, “I was able to find what I was looking for? But
thanks anyways.” I wrinkled my brow and quickly nodded, walking on.
Could that have been the same raccoon from the other day? But if he
could speak my language, why didn’t he just do that from the start?
Walking ahead of me Rizzo suddenly looked back and asked, “Did you
understand that foreigner? Just how many languages do you speak?”
So it was, the raccoon from the other day. “Rizzo?” I asked. “What
did you mean when you called that raccoon a foreigner? Are some of
these animals from other lands?”  Rizzo stopped and waited for
me to catch up. “Well actually” said Rizzo, “I’m told that they
were the original inhabitants of Fostoria. But that was ages ago,
before our ancestors brought domestication to this land. Most of
the animals have accepted becoming domesticated but some of them
stick to their wild ways. As long as they don’t disrupt society
they’re not seen as a threat by most cats.” This didn’t quite make
sense to me. If they were the original inhabitants then wasn’t
this, their land? “But Rizzo?” I asked, “If this is, their land
aren’t we the foreigners?” Rizzo started laughing hysterically.
Pausing briefly from his laughter he said, “Are you serious? If
left on their own, the wild animals would eventually go extinct.
This has been proven by science, brother. They owe us everything.
The least they could do is learn our language?” I still didn’t
quite understand this. If the wild animals survived up to the point
of the arrival of the domesticated animals, why would they now
suddenly go extinct if left to their own devices? Also, what does
this word science mean, and what exactly does it prove? “Do you see
my point?” asked Rizzo. I didn’t agree with everything Rizzo was
saying but I decided to leave it alone for the moment. I nodded in
approval. Since I was still accustomed to the barriers and walls of
an apartment, we walked for what seemed to me to be great
distances. The outside world seemed to have a pattern of
repetition. For example we would walk past a large rock or log then
cross pathways of various width looking out for other pedestrians.
When we came across other animals they would always bow and step to
the side until we passed. Rizzo seemed to like the attention
because he always smiled to himself every time this occurred.
Anyways this pattern seemed to repeat itself over and over again
until finally we came to an abrupt stop at a grouping of stones
that were spread out horizontally and seemed to form a line in the
ground. “This is the eastern border of your territory, Christopher.
Although Fostoria and Kliev are friendly neighbors, during times of
war we need permits to enter and leave. And I’m told that since
Zarathustra’s general Hannibal started using his secret weapon, all
permits have been suspended.” Suddenly we heard a voice from across
the border. “Are you lost comrade?” We looked up and there was a
large cat standing directly in front of us. This cat who locked
eyes with me the entire time looked as if he were guarding
something. Rizzo said, “Easy tiger. I'm just showing him the
borders of Fostoria.” “Good,” said the guard cat. “We wouldn't want
your new member to make the mistake of stepping outside his
territory. Some unfortunate accident might befall him.” Rizzo
knitted his brow. “Christopher isn't just a new member of our gang.
He is our leader.” The guard cat’s eyes widened a bit.
“Christopher? Oh I've heard all about you. I imagined you'd be a
lot bigger though.” I said, “What do you mean you’ve heard of me?”
He replied, “Everyone in Kliev has heard of you. In fact Socrates
himself has requested a meeting with you.” Rizzo grew suspicious.
“Why is this the first we’re hearing of this?” “Well,” said the
guard cat, suddenly aware that he had said

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