Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires)

Free Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires) by Roxanne Rhoads

Book: Hex and the Single Witch (Vehicle City Vampires) by Roxanne Rhoads Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Rhoads
later you’ll learn.”
    I grumbled,
grabbed another cookie and hugged Gram to calm her down. Then I turned away and
walked down the hall to say hello to my mother.
    A cat like hiss
met me as I walked into her room. She turned to me. “Bloodsucking bitch, you’ve
been near her. That vampire whore! Traitorous daughter, do you screw them too?
Do you fuck those fanged freaks?” she spat at me.
    I had never seen
her so enraged. Her eyes were wild and her nostrils flared. She lunged at me in
attack mode. My own mother wanted to hurt me? Why? I flung the closet door open
putting it between the two of us. I huddled behind it, wedged up against the
    “The prophecy
was mine. Written for your father and me. We were meant to fulfill it. But that
fanged bitch ruined everything,” she continued on, babbling under her breath.
    I had no idea
what she was talking about. I huddled halfway behind the door figuring out an
escape that wouldn’t get either one of us hurt.
    She stopped
babbling and reached her nails out to me again. “I won’t lose another to one of
those leaches. Stay away from them! All of them.”
    Her nails raked
across my shoulder then I caught sight of her hand raised and ready for another
slash. Gram ran into the room and grabbed my mom’s hand saving me from a clawed
up face.
    “What did you do
to her?” she asked wide-eyed as she held my mother to her, hugging her tightly.
    “I didn’t do
anything. She was like this as soon as I walked in.” My mother was known for
being off, but this was crazy. She spat and hissed at me like a wild animal. My
grams held her tight so she couldn’t get to me. I feared my own mother.
    “You better
leave, hun. I’ll call you later if I figure out what’s wrong with her.” Tears
brimmed Gram’s eyes.
    I knew it killed
her to see my mom like this. As much as I wanted a normal life I was sure Gram
wished more than anything her daughter was normal, happy and healthy. I also
knew it tormented her no matter how much power she had as a witch nothing
seemed to pull my mother out of the darkness she had descended into the night
my father died.
    I refused to
shed tears as I left my childhood home. I drove though Flushing ignoring the
subtle beauty which often awed me. I turned onto Coutant and followed it until
it turned into Kelly on the other side of Elms. I kept going not seeing my
favorite places I usually checked out along the short but scenic drive in the
area which used to be farmland. I turned and turned again then pulled into my
driveway. I sat in my car for a while, finally letting the tears fall freely.
    What was wrong
with Mom? She mentioned vampires and a prophecy. I hoped Gram didn’t let her
have access to the newspapers or the computer. The last thing Mom needed to
know about was a crazy vampire on the loose killing women. It would just add
more fuel to her vampire hating fire.
    After about ten
minutes I dried my tears and decided to go inside. I barely undressed before
falling into bed completely exhausted.
    Chapter 9
    Rod Stewart’s
shriveled little body chased me down an endless hallway telling me if I thought
he was sexy I should let him know.
    I ran as fast as
I could but he kept getting closer and closer and just when his awful little
skeletal hands grabbed for my breasts…I woke up.
    Oh, thank the
goddess! It was just a dream.
    But why could I
still hear Rod Stewart’s awful voice talking about being sexy? Please make it
    Then I realized
through my sleep clouded haze it must be my cell phone. The damn ring tone had
been changed again. And of course, it had to be Malone calling. It was always
his ring tone playing some awful annoying song I hated and it usually had
something to do with being sexy. Last time it was Right Said Fred’s I’m Too
Sexy, before that it had been the Devinyl’s I Touch Myself. Arrg!
    I wondered how
he got a hold of my phone and changed the ring tones without me knowing. Hmmm.
    Damn, Rod
Stewart still

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