The Tao of Hockey (Vancouver Vice #1)

Free The Tao of Hockey (Vancouver Vice #1) by Melanie Ting

Book: The Tao of Hockey (Vancouver Vice #1) by Melanie Ting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Ting
mad? I’ll kiss and make it better.” Josie bent her head down, and I felt the soft touch of her lips on the side of my erection. Then the exquisite feeling of her tongue licking up and down the length of it. And finally she closed her mouth over the head of my cock and bathed it in warm wetness.
    I watched Josie taking my cock in and out of her mouth, her cheek bulging when I was deep inside and her lips stretching around it as she pulled away. This was something I had been fantasizing about for weeks, but real life was even better. How could I have imagined that almost blissful expression on her face like this was the best thing she’d ever tasted? Or the gentle way she stroked my balls with her slightly calloused fingers? Her eyes opened and met mine. She knew exactly how much I was enjoying this blow job.
    Too much, in fact. “Josie, stop, okay? Or I’ll come....”
    But she didn’t stop; instead she increased the speed and pressure. I closed my eyes and let my mind fly to that perfect state of not thinking. All my consciousness was centred in my cock and the sensations of what Josie was doing to me. I could see colours swirling and feel a dizzying whirl around me. I groaned and arched my back, then I came in a waterfall burst.
    After a minute, I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling fan. Josie was lying beside me. Her tits pointed up, there was a pretty valley made by her flat abs, and she was still wearing that thong. I needed to fix that. I pulled her towards me and kissed her.
    “You’re so fucking sexy,” I told her. I moved my mouth down to one perfect breast and took it between my lips. Her nipple was already erect, but it got even harder as I sucked. Josie began moving her hips and moaning a little, and I cupped her mound with one hand. I tweaked her nipple with my other hand and continued the hard suction that was clearly turning her on. Her thong was wet right through, and I poked my finger through the fabric.
    I paused from sucking to yank her underwear off. She was completely bald down there, which was exactly what I had imagined. I fastened my mouth to her other nipple and began sucking on that. Judging from the sounds she was making, Josie’s tits were very sensitive, and I wanted to get her all worked up.
    “Oh yeah,” she breathed. I kissed between her breasts and then moved down the middle of her until I reached her belly button. I swirled my tongue in there, and she giggled some more. Then I made it down to the Promised Land. Her folds were deep—keeping her treasures hidden. I moved down between her legs and pushed her thighs wide apart.
    This moment was one of my favourites with a new woman. They were all so different and beautiful. And Josie was extra special. Her skin down there was dark and purply. I ran a finger up and down her crinkly folds, and she trembled all over. Her clit was tiny and hidden away under its protective hood. When I probed it with my finger, she arced up like I had electrified her.
    I kissed the insides of her thighs as I spread her legs wider. And then I moved down slowly, and licked along her pussy lips—tracing them in a lazy circle. I went up and down, and then pushed my tongue inside her, and Josie wriggled around. Then I started on her clit, using my tongue on the tip and circling it and sucking the whole thing. Josie stayed absolutely still, and all I could hear was her hoarse breathing and sighing. I continued to work her, but she barely made a sound. It was kind of weird, but I kept going.
    Man, Josie was taking a long time to come. My tongue needed a break, so I backed off and started using my fingers instead.
    Josie raised her head, and called out, “Fuck me now.”
    “But you haven’t come yet,” I protested. She had given me such an amazing blow job, and I wanted to return the favour.
    “It’s okay, I will when we’re doing it.”
    “Okay.” I got up and got a condom from the dresser. I slid it on. My cock was aching to get inside all the

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