Cameron's Quest

Free Cameron's Quest by Lorraine Nelson

Book: Cameron's Quest by Lorraine Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Nelson
Rena said
in a flirtatious manner.
    “In case you hadn’t noticed, my son is a born
flirt,” said Winnie.
    “So is Rena,” Lacey said. She nodded toward her
youngest, already in earnest conversation with Michael.
    “Shall we adjourn to the living room where it’s
a little less crowded?”
    “What? No offer of coffee for a thirsty man?”
asked Lucas.
    Winnie gave him a look that said it all. “You’ve
already had your quota for the morning, and if it’s sweet treats you’re after,
forget it.” She turned to face Lacey. “He’s on a strict diet for his heart, but
it’s difficult to keep him in check sometimes.”
    “Darned tootin’. I’m not a gall-darned rabbit. A
man needs real food.”
    “Come on, dear. Let’s hop along behind the
others and find a nice, comfy seat in the living room.”
    “Funny, Winnie. Real funny. Hardy-har-har.”
Lucas glanced longingly toward the coffee pot, but Winnie took his arm and steered
him out of the kitchen.
    “I’ll have a cup of coffee, if you don’t mind,
,” said Michael.
    “Help yourself, but better drink it in here or
that brother of mine will be livid. Ladies?”
    “I’ll stay and keep Michael company,” said Rena,
earning a raised eyebrow from her mother.
    “I reckon he’s harmless enough,” said
. “Let’s go join our guests.” He took Lacey’s arm in
his and guided her down the hall with Abby and Lynne following.
    Lucas had a million questions about the girls,
, their
trip, and anything else he could think of. When he wound down, talk turned
toward the other members of the family. Eventually, the subject of Winnie’s
oldest son came up.
sentencing is next week. You comin’ with us?” Lucas asked.
shook his head. “I didn’t bring the girls all
this way to sit in a stuffy courtroom. Sorry, Winnie. My thoughts will be with
you and all you’re going through, but I’ll be playing tour guide.”
    “That’s all right,
I understand. Wish I had good reason not to be there,” Winnie said, her
features downcast.
saw Lacey’s puzzled glance and filled her in. “Winnie’s
oldest son, Roy, was responsible for some trouble within the family last year.
He’s been tried and convicted on several charges, including murder.”
    “Oh, how awful for you, Winnie.”
    “Thank you, dear, but it’s his turn to pay the
piper. He got hooked up with a nasty crew and did some unthinkable things. His
stalking and kidnapping of Zakia, Luke’s wife, is what started it all.”
, if you
want to attend the proceedings, the girls and I can entertain ourselves,” Lacey
    “Nope, I don’t intend to miss one minute of your
company,” he said, smiling at her and the girls as Rena and Michael joined
    “Speakin’ of company, I just heard a vehicle
pull in. Sounded like
truck,” Lucas said.
stood and crossed the room to open the door.
Cal and Leah stood outside, and Zakia’s sporty little Sunfire was just coming
around the turn in the driveway. He waited until everyone was inside and
divested of coats and boots before making introductions.
    Luke and Zakia’s twins were suitably impressed.
    “Wow! There are three of you,” said Cammy.
    “Almost four,” Casey noted.
    Lacey laughed. “The girls do look a lot like me,
but I suppose that’s better than looking like your Uncle Cam.”
    “Way better,” Michael agreed with a wink
directed at the boys.
    “We brought food to help feed this crew for
lunch. Where do you want it?” asked Zakia.
    “I’ll take it to the kitchen. You and Leah sit
and take a load off,” said
. He grabbed Leah’s
dish and as Luke still held the other, they carried them out to the kitchen.
    “There’s more in the car,” Luke said.
grinned. “That wife of yours never does
anything halfway.”
    “Nope, she never does. I set the tray of sweets
in the trunk so the boys wouldn’t topple or get into them. I’ll go get it

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