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Book: Chaos by Barbara Huffert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Huffert
enough for you too.”
    “Absolutely. If Jordan were hurt then Kiley would be hurt. I
won’t do that.”
    “Which, Pixie Queen, is precisely the reason why we are
going to be friends, not just pretend to be. They’ll know if we’re pretending
and that would hurt them.”
    “I know, McKade. I’m not making any promises because I know
you can’t stop being an asshole all the time but I’ll do my best to ignore it
when you are. Or I will when we’re around them.”
    “And when we’re not, I’m sure you’ll go out of your way to
make sure I see the error in my ways. Campini, I’d expect nothing less from
you.” He caught her in a playful kiss. “I’m not asking you to change. I know
you’re opinionated and not at all shy about expressing yourself. Hell, I’d
worry about you if you suddenly stopped finding fault with me.”
    “Well this is your lucky day then, since you have so many.”
She kissed him again. “Are there any other pictures you want or are we done
    “I’m done if you are. What’s on your mind?”
    “I’m hungry. Let’s go to my place so I can change and then
we can go pick up dinner.”
    “Why don’t we stop and grab some steaks and I’ll cook them
for you? You do have a stove. I saw it. I’m assuming it works.”
    “Oh ha ha. Don’t be so smug. Of course it works. I just
thought that you might be getting sick of cooking.”
    “I like to cook. It’ll be good practice for when I find that
professional woman.”
    “Yes, smart ass, the stove works just fine, or it did the
last time I checked and yes, before you ask, I have pans and plates and
silverware. You want to cook, be my guest. But I’m buying the groceries.
Consider it your fee for being my model.”
    “I think I liked the other perks that came with that better
but all right, if you insist.”
    “Those perks, as you call them, had nothing to do with you
posing for me. By now you must know I enjoy your bod, stud. There was no way I
was going to let such a fine hard-on go to waste.”
    “If you play your cards right you might just get to see it
again before the night is over.”
    “I’m counting on it.” She gave him a squeeze as she locked
the door behind them. “Any chance I can get you to help me change when we get
    “I’d say that’s a definite possibility, you insatiable
    “Hey! That’s Queen Pixie to you.”
    “Oh excuse me, my queen.” He gave her a mocking bow. “Will
you give me the opportunity to atone for my slip?”
    “Perhaps.” She grinned wickedly as she let her gaze rake him
from head to toe.
    “How can I persuade you? I’m already making you a feast. I
could feed you.”
    “I can feed myself, thank you. You’ll have to come up with
something better than that.”
    “A massage?”
    “I’d fall asleep.”
    “Can’t have that. Let’s see, I could strip you and keep you
next to me, naked, while I cook.”
    “And why would you do that?”
    “So I can pleasure you with my tongue when the dinner
doesn’t need my attention. You seem to enjoy that and I do like when you’re
enjoying yourself.”
    “And you’ll deny yourself until after dinner?”
    “I’ll postpone my actual release but I get great pleasure
from making you come. It’s a rare gift when a woman lets a man watch her do
    “And you do that often?”
    “No, not nearly as much as I’d like to. I told you, I don’t
sleep around. Partly because I don’t have time to meet anyone but mostly
because I haven’t met anyone lately that I’ve cared enough about to want to
make this offer to.”
    “I can’t decide if you’re serious or just giving me a line
but I don’t think I care at the moment. You’re right, McKade, I do enjoy what
you do with your tongue, immensely in fact. Hurry up and grab some steaks and
let’s get the hell out of here. I’m ready to be appeased.”
    “And I’m more than anxious to appease you.” She was standing
next to him at the meat case when she felt

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