Dylan's Daddy Dilemma (The Colorado Fosters Book 04)

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Book: Dylan's Daddy Dilemma (The Colorado Fosters Book 04) by Tracy Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Madison
you so defensive? Are you in some type of trouble, Chelsea? Is someone, like Henry’s father, looking for you? If so, maybe I can—”
    “What? Help?” Forget irritation. True-blue anger took center stage. Still, she kept her voice calm. Even. “Henry’s father isn’t in the picture. And you already know I’m in trouble. I’m without a job or a place to live.” One breath in, another out. “Instead of working on those issues, I’m stuck standing here, being questioned about areas of my life that are none of your concern.”
    “Right. I know you came here for a job that no longer exists. I don’t know why or what happened, but I suppose if you felt like telling me, you would.” He waited, as if he thought she’d fill in the blanks. When she didn’t, he cleared his throat. “Also, you’re not stuck standing here. The door’s over there. Feel free to walk through it anytime you please. And I’m sorry for mentioning Henry’s father. You’re correct. Your personal life isn’t my business.”
    “That’s right. It isn’t,” she said, appreciating his apology but not ready to let go of her temper. “And while I am grateful for all of your assistance, it’s time for me and Henry to leave.”
    “And go where?”
    “A motel,” she said, hating the idea. Well, she hated all of this. The uncertainty and the unknowns. “I’ll just need to see the phone book again, to figure out which one is closest.”
    “So you can walk there, with all your stuff and Henry?”
    “Why not?” Doing so wouldn’t be easy, but she’d get the job done. Even if that meant making several trips to and from the restaurant. With Henry. In the still-cold, windy weather.
    “That’s certainly one possibility, but will you hear me out first?” Dylan asked quietly, in such a tone that she’d be hard-pressed not to agree. “Please?”
    And darn it, the
finished the job. She gave a short nod.
    “It’s like this.” He spoke fast, as if worried she’d change her mind. “Haley and Henry were hanging out. She mentioned the camp. He asked a few questions about what the boys did while they were there, and he got all pumped over the idea of learning how to raise a tent. My sister offered to teach him, if you gave your permission. That’s it, Chelsea.”
    She took in a lungful of air and gave herself a few seconds to regain her equilibrium. His explanation made sense, and she had no doubt that her son had, indeed, gone over the moon at the idea of learning how to put up a tent. But neither of those facts changed her decision.
    “Then I’m sorry, too, for overreacting,” she said. “I’ve been off-kilter since losing my job, and you keep surprising me. But I can’t let Haley babysit Henry.”
    “Why not?” Dylan countered. “Wouldn’t it be easier to job hunt and locate living arrangements without Henry tagging along?”
    Logically, yes. Emotionally? Not at all. “You and your sister seem very nice, but I don’t really know either of you,” she said. “And I’m too uncomfortable with having my son somewhere I’ve never been, with someone I don’t really know. That has to make sense to you.”
    “It does. Completely,” he said, without missing a beat. “How about a compromise? Take an hour to go to Haley’s with me, see how you feel then. If you become more comfortable, I’ll drive you to your motel and wherever else you want to go. If you’re not, then I’ll do the same, we’ll just take Henry with us. Either way, you won’t lose any time, since I’ll play chauffeur.”
    Oh, jeez. What to do? She didn’t want to give in—not at all—but the thought of disappointing Henry combined with the logic of Dylan’s first offer and the wisdom of his second forced her hand. And it would be so much easier to have a ride to the motel.
    “I guess I can live with that,” she said. “As long as you don’t mind playing chauffeur.”
    “I wouldn’t have offered if I minded.”
    “And that’s what I

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