Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set

Free Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild

Book: Indecent: 15 Erotic Victorian Romance Story Box Set by Lucy Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Wild
when not a single
penny was forthcoming in that time, I came to collect. Instead I found an empty
house and a ship leaving the harbour. It took me many years to track you down
and now it is time to collect the debt.”
    “What have you done with father?”
    “Not a thing. He got word I was coming and left with your
mother, leaving you at my mercy and there is something delicious about that
gesture, do you know why?”
    I shook my head.
    “He knows I have no mercy.”

    Chapter 2
    Lord Darlington stood up and motioned for me to do the same.
I remained seated, my entire being in shock at what I’d just heard. I yelped as
he grabbed me by the armpits and wrenched me to my feet, lifting me into the
air and holding me at his eye level as I kicked ineffectually at the air.
“Unhand me!” I snapped, pulling at his arms. He merely let me dangle as if I
were nothing more than a squirming kitten about to tossed into a river for his
wicked amusement.
    Slowly I tired, falling limp in his arms at last. Only then
did he move me until my face was so close to his, I could feel his hot breath
on me. “You will learn to obey me or you will face the consequences,” he
whispered. “I will set you down momentarily and you will follow me in silence
to my carriage. Do you understand?”
    “I’ll never go anywhere with you.”
    “Very well. Do not say you were not warned.”
    He set my feet on the ground but as I tried once more to
squirm away he pushed me against the table, his hand in the small of my back,
pressing my chest into the table. Reaching down, he ignored my screams of
protest and bunched the hem of my skirt in his fist. “Let me go at once!” I
    “You will learn your lesson first,” he replied, pulling the
skirt upwards until my legs were exposed. I kicked back at him but he did not
react, it was as if I was attempting to kick out at a tree trunk or a wall of
stone for all the effect it had.
    “What are you doing?” I asked, still fighting to escape him.
    “Teaching you something important,” he replied, the hand in
the small of my back taking hold of my skirt, holding it raised. My face
blushed deep red as I realised he was no doubt gazing at my drawers. I looked
behind me in time to see him raise his hand high in the air.
    “Please,” I began but got no further.
    “It is too late for please,” he replied as the hand whipped
down through the air and landed on my right buttock with so much force I let
out a shriek of agony.
    He let me go but I could not move at first, the pain
excruciating and spreading through me in waves that seemed never ending. I was
weeping as he took my arm and led me slowly from the dining room into the
hallway. The household staff were nowhere to be seen. I wondered if they’d fled
with my parents.
    My bottom was still stinging as he lifted me into his
waiting carriage. Bitter tears ran down my cheeks as he tapped on the roof and
the wheels began to turn. Through the window I watched my home vanish into the
distance before I finally sat back and closed my eyes, my soul in torment.
    “Have you finished crying?” Darlington asked.
    “I hate you,” I replied, turning to look at him. That awful smile
flickered across his lips again.
    “Hate me all you like. It will change nothing.”
    “Where are you taking me?”
    “To my home. I’m told it needs a woman’s touch.”
    A look crossed his face, a look of distance and sorrow. As
soon as he noticed me looking at me, he turned and stared out of his window at
the fields beyond, not looking back for some time. I sat back and did my best
not to cry.
    It was some hours before we turned off the road onto a
private track, passing between two iron gates and between overhanging trees
that combined with the setting sun to fill me with the sensation that I was
passing from light into darkness. A minute later we turned a corner and I saw a
house lit by lanterns. Flames licked at the corners of the building as if it
rose from the

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