
Free Icefall by Gillian Philip Page A

Book: Icefall by Gillian Philip Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Philip
    â€˜Of course not. But I do. I’ve tasted enough of them. I’ve sucked enough of them dry. Men who don’t give a damn for their own souls. No empathy, no compassion. Men and women who fear me so much they’ll give up their souls to me like a shot, all shrivelled and sour and rotten. For such bitter reward it’s hard work, Cluaran.’
    â€˜The others…’
    â€˜Them? Easy to take, certainly. So easy, I think I’ll take that manager woman who was stupid enough to let me in. But they’re souls in weak and dying bodies. Half-demented, lost and unawares. They don’t know who I am and they don’t know what they’re giving me!’ She tightened her fists at her sides once more. ‘They love me no more than the thieves and the killers and the cowards do! Oh, sour it is, Cluaran. Do you seriously think that is all I deserve ?’
    Mutely, he shook his head.
    â€˜Oh, I’ve had souls that loved, and they’re richer by a country mile, Cluaran. That’s what I want. Complete, entire, and willing. Loving souls! They’ll want to give themselves to me because they love me .’ Her voice was so high and shrill, she was afraid she might break into weeping. ‘To love me, they have to know me! To know me, they must know I’m there! You think they can love a god who skulks in the shadows like the Darkfall?’
    Cluaran’s double take was almost comical. ‘A what?’
    â€˜A queen. A monarch.’ Kate put her hand to her throat, struggling to calm her panicking heart. Careful, Kate. ‘A queen who skulks, Cluaran: what kind of queen is that? Not one you’d gift with your soul and your self. Not one to love!’
    â€˜Kate. Kate, I’m sorry.’ His hand was on her bare arm. The horses pranced loose, shaking their necks. Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare touch me.
    She closed her eyes. Laying her palm across the harsh hand that caressed her skin, she pressed it closer still, bore its abominable warmth.
    â€˜I’ll give them everything, Cluaran. Peace and perfection and love, and all I ask in return is a soul or two. I gave up my own, all so that I can give them everything. Everything they never knew they wanted, and in exchange a bright flame now and then to warm my poor cold heart. Such a small price, and they’ll pay it with love in their hearts.’
    He clasped her wrist, bent his shaven head to kiss her hand and press it to his forehead. ‘Of course they will. I didn’t mean to doubt you. Forgive me.’
    â€˜There’s nothing to forgive. You only do your duty.’ She loosened her fingers from his grip and rubbed her temples. Gods’ sake, Kate, don’t ever lose control like that again.
    â€˜What are your orders, Kate?’
    â€˜I need to reward Raib; that’s my first priority. He’s done me two favours that he did not need to do. When you find such loyalty, you do not piss on it. Find him a captaincy in my personal guard.’
    Cluaran rubbed at the gold torque on his neck. ‘You’ve brought us such peace these last years, Kate. There’s no captaincy vacant.’
    â€˜There will be,’ she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. ‘I can always find one if I want to. That’s nothing but … administration. Let’s assume it’s done, shall we?’
    â€˜Of course.’ He bowed his head.
    â€˜Far more to the point: There are three things I want right now, Cluaran. I want Rory. I want the witch back, to give her one last chance. And of course, I want Murlainn destroyed.’
    â€˜Consider it in hand.’
    â€˜It won’t be properly in hand till they’re back on this side of the Veil.’
    â€˜Murlainn’s clann won’t return easily.’
    â€˜I didn’t say they had to do it easily.’ The temperature of her voice dropped a few degrees. ‘That’s

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